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Re: Balcony solar PV

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 9:10 pm
by AGT
Ah I have one of these ion an old 250 watt panel on my summerhouse
Surprising its lasted as long as it has, plug in power meter says it’s generated 23kWh this year😁

Re: Balcony solar PV

Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 9:34 pm
by Joeboy
ecogeorge wrote: ↑Wed May 15, 2024 8:51 pm Use these ......... but they are getting more pricey ........
Panel is 200w 33v OC.
Nice one, is the microinverter indoors. Is it cooled? Definitely an interested mind.

If the next 3 panel string we are installing tips over (alarm/reboot) on the 150V 60A DC Victron charge controller I'll run that string through a Hoymiles on AC instead.

Re: Balcony solar PV

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 12:53 pm
by Joeboy
Been over to Marmaris and bought two of ecoflow 100W black on black panels. Pricey but good for the appeasement. :)

Likely to only see about 150W but I'll happily take that due to space restrictions. ☺️

There were cheaper Lexron panels but for something so 'there' I thought it better to do what I can to make them look decent.

Lots of Victron swag in the shop too.

Re: Balcony solar PV

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 12:37 pm
by Joeboy
Ran up the two 100W panels and the IQ7 Enphase microinverter. Great to see that little flashing production light on the micro. I'll guess thats water cooler and maybe a chunk of the inverter fridge freezer & network box.covered. :D

I'm not going to meter this set up. It is what it is. :on-patrol:

In an excellent show of synchronicity an email in this morning saying that the Kinlochbervie hydroturbine annual dividend will be in bank tomorrow πŸ˜€

That hydroturbine profit covers the Turkish balcony solar microsystem. Almost to the penny. :twisted:

Will dismantle tomorrow before heading home and fix in place properly next time out.


Nowty, another 200W's to the list!

Re: Balcony solar PV

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 7:41 am
by Joeboy
I was unaware of the ecoflow smart plugs wrinkle in balcony solar development. Rather 8-) ... roinverter

Also this
"As the sun returns here in the Netherlands, power companies are struggling to cope with oversupply under the current solar incentive scheme, resulting in charges levied against panel owners for energy returned to the grid." :o

Re: Balcony solar PV

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 9:44 am
by Countrypaul
Reading the article it would appear to me that they are missing something equivalent to the MyEnergi Harvi - something that can just be attched to the incoming main to read what the whole house is consuming. Might be beyond many users, but would be very useful for others.

Re: Balcony solar PV

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:12 pm
by richbee
I was very pleased to see my Hoymiles system outputting 1.5kW this morning - that's the most I've seen - pretty good from max capacity of 1.74kWp from the 4 panels, and they are E/W facing.
It might have done better than that, but the energy monitor isn't very good at letting you record peaks of output, it just has a bar graph for output for each hour (with no scale), so I only see the values when I glance at it.

Re: Balcony solar PV

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:14 am
by Joeboy
A wee update on No1's Hoymiles 2 panel system. He has seen a peak of 6.5kWh day generation. :)

At 11.10am he is just being clipped on the upper panel due to soffit shading.



I am happy with all of this. A pity he can't export. :facepalm:

He'll crack the 1/2 MWh before season end.


Re: Balcony solar PV

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 2:53 pm
by Joeboy

Re: Balcony solar PV

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 3:00 pm
by richbee
Joeboy wrote: ↑Sun Jun 30, 2024 2:53 pm Micro Hybrid! :) ... ovoltaics/
Does that mean more batteries incoming?!