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monitoring diverted power with a Solic.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 2:14 pm
by Gareth J
I'm to rewire my diverters to replace an iboost with a solic200. Long story somewhat shortened; I'm hoping I can use it as my primary diverter (DHW, then TS for UFH and rads), then (hopefully) the iboost, which has a 200W threshold, will hoover up the excess and dump it into the element in the kitchen Rayburn/storage heater.

Presuming it works, I'll catch an extra ~200W of power previously lost - great, but I'll loose the display on the iboost. My home monitoring is currently very analogue - I listen for diverted power, feel the water temp in the non thermostically controlled shower and occasionally I pop my head into the cylinder cupboard to see what power is being diverted/has been that day/week etc. So I'll miss that.

Are there any monitoring gadgets I can wire inline or clamp meter that will read or store diverted power information to satisfy my curiosity? The simpler the better! .... Inline ammeter??

Thanks in advance, Gareth

Re: monitoring diverted power with a Solic.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:54 am
by Gareth J
I did nothing. The solic just works. It turns out I don't need to know what's being diverted so long as there's hot water, which there has been, all summer so far.

I got a little way into figuring out a suitable ammeter but it's not really needed.