Does British Gas still have an Economy 7 tariff?

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Re: Does British Gas still have an Economy 7 tariff?


Post by Oldgreybeard »

It can be a close thing between Go, Go Faster and E7, and not at all easy to choose which might be better value, I found. I tried to keep track of what the costs would be for the three, using the SSE E7 tariff we used to be on, Go, and Go Faster, comparing our real half hourly usage for each, with each optimised for the very most I could switch into the lowest price period.

Very difficult, as small changes, say an hour of not getting a load into a cheap rate window, made a disproportionately large difference to the comparison. In the end we had to stick with E7, just because they couldn't get a smart meter to work here. Not as good value, in terms of the cheap rate being a bit more expensive, but having a seven hour cheap rate window does make it a lot easier to manage things like car and battery charging, particularly charging the car if we've been away on a long trip and need to stuff maybe 40 or more kWh into it to get it ready for an emergency long trip the next day..
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