Solax sk-su3000e - Pylontech Extra2000 Bateries - Overnight Force Time use

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Solax sk-su3000e - Pylontech Extra2000 Bateries - Overnight Force Time use


Post by JC_UK »

Hi all,

I now have my Solax sk-su3000e X1 hybrid inverter working with the Pylontech Extra2000 batteries for daytime charging and discharge.

Trying to get the overnight force time workload working so I can charge up on econ7 tariff and use during the day - but not working.

Any ideas/suggestions please?

I have read the Solax manual and input the settings to give a charge period from 03:00-07:00 but the inverter doesn't switch to charge.....

(Another issue I have I have set the min charge for the batteries to be 15% and the inverter then bounces between 14%-15% over the day and charging from the Grid to get to 15%.......)

Many thanks


16x 245W Pan Solar panels - 3.92kW - 2015
SMA SB 3600TL-21 inverter - 2015
Solar iBoost+ Controller - 2015
9x 2.4kWh Pylontech batts 21.6 kWh - 2022/24
Solax X1 SK_SU3000 Hybrid inverter - 2024

12x 260W REC Solar panels 3.12kW
1GB B4RN Internet
Posts: 46
Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2022 4:28 pm

Re: Solax sk-su3000e - Pylontech Extra2000 Bateries - Overnight Force Time use


Post by JC_UK »

Hi all,

BMS Connected
Day time discharge/charge
Overnight force charging
Online and App monitoring
reassuring sound of fans whirling in the garage :oO:


I had a call with the Solax UK support desk yesterday - 024 7658 6998
Very helpful.

Andy on the support desk from my serial number could login to the inverter account and see the reporting as I can from the Solax web portal.

After discussing the force charging issue I asked if I needed to set both force charge periods to get this working.
Andy didn't know if this was the issue.....

So I've set up force charge for two periods for last night at Period 1 03:00-06:00 and Period 2 at 06:01-07:20.
Woke up this morning and the force charging has worked and can be seen in the Solax portal and the battery capacity reporting at ~70%.

Also daytime discharge/charging is still working as required.

Still have a challenge with the inverter letting the batteries discharge to 14% and then charge to 15% and back to 14% over the day when no/little solar generation.... even though min in Charger is set to 15%...... Would be better to go to 15% and stay at 15%........

Next step is add new PV generation through the Solax inverter - it has 2 MPPTs so two strings adding up to 3KW Solar PV generation...... to fill up the battery stack......

Many thanks

16x 245W Pan Solar panels - 3.92kW - 2015
SMA SB 3600TL-21 inverter - 2015
Solar iBoost+ Controller - 2015
9x 2.4kWh Pylontech batts 21.6 kWh - 2022/24
Solax X1 SK_SU3000 Hybrid inverter - 2024

12x 260W REC Solar panels 3.12kW
1GB B4RN Internet
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