Lead acid??

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Lead acid??


Post by drjim »

So I have bagged a hybrid inverter from ebay, looking for battery now to add to my DIY solar system(s). Now it's a growatt sph3600 which may be picky with non growatt lithium, but will work fine with lead acid.

But I can't quite get the aH kWh and battery size thing straight in my head!

So I can see 120aH leisure batteries for £60 or best offer on ebay, local to work easy to get.

I was thinking 4 of these = 480aH @12v and works out to about 5kWh, so far as my online calculator theory lasts.

That's well cheap compared to lithium.

Or am I completely wrong??
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Re: Lead acid??


Post by Stinsy »

drjim wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 8:27 pm So I have bagged a hybrid inverter from ebay, looking for battery now to add to my DIY solar system(s). Now it's a growatt sph3600 which may be picky with non growatt lithium, but will work fine with lead acid.

But I can't quite get the aH kWh and battery size thing straight in my head!

So I can see 120aH leisure batteries for £60 or best offer on ebay, local to work easy to get.

I was thinking 4 of these = 480aH @12v and works out to about 5kWh, so far as my online calculator theory lasts.

That's well cheap compared to lithium.

Or am I completely wrong??
I wouldn’t bother with Lead. Too short lived and inefficient. There is also no official definition of “starter”, “leisure”, “marine”, etc. those so-called “leisure” batteries are very likely to be “starter” batteries that are designed to be kept above 80% at all times. Therefore you only get to use 20% of the nameplate capacity if you want them to last more than a week. Even if they are genuine “leisure” batteries you only get to use 40% of the capacity if you want them to last.

Buy some LF280k cells from Colin, tell the inverter they’re Lead, set a sensible max charging voltage and min cutoff voltage, and you’re good to go.
12x 340W JA Solar panels (4.08kWp)
3x 380W JA Solar panels (1.14kWp)
6x 2.4kWh Pylontech batteries (14.4kWh)
LuxPower inverter/charger

(Artist formally known as ******, well it should be obvious enough to those for whom such things are important.)
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Re: Lead acid??


Post by Marcus »

If you're familiar with lead acid limitations and you really want to go lead acid, go for a forklift battery. Like stinsy I don't rate 'leisure' batteries at all: you probably get as good or better cycle life out of a good quality starter battery as you would from a no name leisure battery.

The performance of those batteries at 3.6kw would be poor compared with Lithium, and if you're planning on cycling daily you will waste a lot of potential charging time slowly filling them to 100% and equalising.

Even with forklift cells, unless you have a lot of spare free charging energy to offset round trip losses, (or you get them very cheap) it would be hard to make a case for going lead acid over Lithium at today's lithium prices.
450W hydro-electric
5110W pv
1.3kw Wt2 - not yet producing
6kWh lead acid - maybe 1kwh useable
LiMnCo battery made from 2nd hand hybrid car modules 3.6kwh nominal 24v.
300lt hot water tank and two storage heaters
ASHP Grant Aerona 3 10.5kw and UFH
Lincs Robert
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Re: Lead acid??


Post by Lincs Robert »

Unless you have them “outside” there is also the Hydrogen issue to take into consideration …….
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