Aw Jings! the Duracell home battery storage unit

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Mr Gus
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Aw Jings! the Duracell home battery storage unit


Post by Mr Gus »

I thought the website was joke when I saw it, AFTER a call the wife received this morning from a dubious solar & battery firm "doing a job near you" called "solar panel funding" who informed her there was more money in the govts green scheme home renewables budget (nope, I hadn't heard either) ..I smell "horse biscuits"
Clearly working on a brand that people knew (owned by gambling proctologists innit) !?

Now owned by Berkshire Hathaway

I know they start learning computer stuff early these days but were the product team & web designer 5?
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Re: Aw Jings! the Duracell home battery storage unit


Post by nowty »

I believe they are an overpriced re-badged BYD battery system and where sold through a company called "Social Energy" who had a fancy website, but have since ceased trading.

I would not touch one with a barge poll.
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Mr Gus
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Re: Aw Jings! the Duracell home battery storage unit


Post by Mr Gus »

Thanks nowty, it does indeed look like a 2015 "build your dreams" unit.

The website selling em is designed by the same company as the solar firm link, so any astute person knows there is something that stinks there. (bottom right hand corner)

Guessing you refer to this guy... & the trail of solar companies in that burgeoning list. ... 4/officers

Does the phrase "make HPAY whilst cos the sun shines spring to mind" !?
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
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