Storage addition to existing PV
Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 3:05 pm
Hi all,
Newbie here, great forum. I'm looking to add storage install of modest (15-20kWh) storage to my system. House is all electric including a 5kW ASHP and small EV.
I currently have 7.2kWp on a 5kW Solax inverter, has been running happily for 3+ years (5kW G99 DNO approved).
I've had modest success (more so last year) running on Octopus Flux in the summer months; I have so much excess solar that I can make a reasonable credit on sunny days, especially as my array faces west hence I'm at peak export 4-7pm. October to April I'm on Go as you would expect. I'd like to reserve the ability to supercharge my export in summer and add force discharge from the batteries if certain conditions allow. However in theory I'd need to revisit my DNO to up this from the current 5kW.
So, I'm looking at ideally an AC coupled solution, with HA integration capability. UPS circuit would be nice to have. I have pondered the idea of swapping my Solax out for a hybrid inverter that can do everything, but I like the monitoring capbabilites that AC coupled gives, albeit taking the hit on conversion losses (I'm an avid OpenEnergyMonitor user so I have CT clamps everywhere).
I was taken by Polar ESS prices but the software is all closed shop so its a dead end I think.
I was going to push the button on some Pylontechs, but then a serendipitous hunt earlier led me to Fogstar's self build battery kits. I'm thinking of one of those with a Victron Multiplus 5k, could give me all I need? I would describe my DIY and electrical skills as highly competent amateur.
Any thoughts welcome!
Newbie here, great forum. I'm looking to add storage install of modest (15-20kWh) storage to my system. House is all electric including a 5kW ASHP and small EV.
I currently have 7.2kWp on a 5kW Solax inverter, has been running happily for 3+ years (5kW G99 DNO approved).
I've had modest success (more so last year) running on Octopus Flux in the summer months; I have so much excess solar that I can make a reasonable credit on sunny days, especially as my array faces west hence I'm at peak export 4-7pm. October to April I'm on Go as you would expect. I'd like to reserve the ability to supercharge my export in summer and add force discharge from the batteries if certain conditions allow. However in theory I'd need to revisit my DNO to up this from the current 5kW.
So, I'm looking at ideally an AC coupled solution, with HA integration capability. UPS circuit would be nice to have. I have pondered the idea of swapping my Solax out for a hybrid inverter that can do everything, but I like the monitoring capbabilites that AC coupled gives, albeit taking the hit on conversion losses (I'm an avid OpenEnergyMonitor user so I have CT clamps everywhere).
I was taken by Polar ESS prices but the software is all closed shop so its a dead end I think.
I was going to push the button on some Pylontechs, but then a serendipitous hunt earlier led me to Fogstar's self build battery kits. I'm thinking of one of those with a Victron Multiplus 5k, could give me all I need? I would describe my DIY and electrical skills as highly competent amateur.
Any thoughts welcome!