So after a bit of a wait I can say that the new southish facing array for the parents annex is now installed- electrician is due back next week to connect the batteries and wire the inverter to the distribution board so we are not quite there but nearly. 2.3 kWp after in roof derating is applied
In roof solar panels - slate roof
Re: In roof solar panels - slate roof
Electrician finished at four yesterday - did an excellent job - very neat.
When I looked in the 7kWh stack of two was at 55%SoC and the solar was developing between 1.1 and 2.1kWp as the clouds swept by. Twenty to eight last night saw the panels just about holding the house load at 180W with the battery at 83% SoC.
Mother in law was still a bit dubious but had enjoyed the game of trying to see the import meter led flashing - she didn’t - then a quick check on them and the batteries after nine showed the batteries pulling around 210Wp, this morning SoC was 49% after mum in law had hoovered and done all her usual jobs at six am. It’s overcast here and poor light presently so panels are only delivering around 100Wp but brighter later.
Mum in law no longer dubious but actively asking questions today and keen to know more about getting the best from her new power source.
A good first day result
When I looked in the 7kWh stack of two was at 55%SoC and the solar was developing between 1.1 and 2.1kWp as the clouds swept by. Twenty to eight last night saw the panels just about holding the house load at 180W with the battery at 83% SoC.
Mother in law was still a bit dubious but had enjoyed the game of trying to see the import meter led flashing - she didn’t - then a quick check on them and the batteries after nine showed the batteries pulling around 210Wp, this morning SoC was 49% after mum in law had hoovered and done all her usual jobs at six am. It’s overcast here and poor light presently so panels are only delivering around 100Wp but brighter later.
Mum in law no longer dubious but actively asking questions today and keen to know more about getting the best from her new power source.
A good first day result
Re: In roof solar panels - slate roof
Day three, batteries already fully charged and house is running off the home system, mother-in-law highly delighted and actively changing her schedule to suit solar incoming power.
She’s now keen to know what else can be done so we are looking to reduce her need for lpg
She’s now keen to know what else can be done so we are looking to reduce her need for lpg
Re: In roof solar panels - slate roof
Looks good
Solar PV since July '22:
5.6kWp east/west facing
3.6kW Sunsynk hybrid inverter
2x 5.12kWh Sunsynk batteries
1.6kWp Hoymiles East/West facing PV on the man cave
Ripple DW 2kW
Ripple WB 200W
5.6kWp east/west facing
3.6kW Sunsynk hybrid inverter
2x 5.12kWh Sunsynk batteries
1.6kWp Hoymiles East/West facing PV on the man cave
Ripple DW 2kW
Ripple WB 200W
Re: In roof solar panels - slate roof
Cracking to see change embraced, you better print out a fridge mounted file of peak solar (the way it moves around the domecile) so she starts to adjust to the day & the seasons with solar batteries.
It's that sort of easy change mindset that needs sharing amongst the W.I. (who we know can hold quite a away within politics, he it local or national)
It's that sort of easy change mindset that needs sharing amongst the W.I. (who we know can hold quite a away within politics, he it local or national)
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
Re: In roof solar panels - slate roof
As noted in another thread its been quite ovecast here today so mum started her day with her usual chores (hoovering etc) but then held off a few things till lunch to allow the SoC to lift from 36% to 50% and now with the sun out and the batteries approaching 96% she has engaged the halogen hob to get tea ready its almost as if shes been listening to me in past years nahhhhhh