I have covered all my South East and South West facing roof in Solar Thermal and the remaining spots I have used for PV. I have 25 m2 of Solar Thermal (160x 58mm Evacuated tubes) and 28 m2 of PV, but some of that PV is less than ideal positioning. I have been chasing the manufacturers of the combined PV/Thermal units without any success but that would just increase my PV area, not my thermal. Solar Thermal is not enough to keep the pool at 29 Deg C that my kids tolerate so the boiler, (soon to be heat pump), takes up the slack.
Pool is 45,000 liters
House is just inside the M25 in Surrey. Heated envelope in the house is 128 m2 per story (252m2 in total). Average room heated temperature is about 19 deg c downstairs 17 upstairs. All underfloor
Yesterday I used 56 KWh of heat from the boiler (that is heat flow measured not gas consumed),and got nothing worth measuring from Solar Thermal. Best day this week was 4 kWh heat from the Solar Thermal and 29 kWh heat from the boiler. Obviously the pool is not operating at the moment.
This graph last January 2022 where I peeked at 120 kWh heat from the boiler and nothing from Solar

This is the Summer where on a good day I get 60 kWh from Solar and consume 6 kWh heat from the boiler but you can see on the cheek months (June for example) I can consume as much as 140 kWh in a day from the boiler much of which goes into the pool

I don't think 60 kWh from 25m2 Solar Thermal is that impressive. On the 29th September I generated 8.7 kWh of electricity from 12.92 m2 (0.67 kWh/m) of Solar PV and only 12 kWh heat from 25 m2 of Solar Thermal (0.48 kWh/m). PV is new so this is the only decent day I had both running. I will be measuring through the year because if the efficiency of thermal does not increase I would be arguably better off ripping it out and powering a heat pump with PV.