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HHR Storage Heaters...

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2025 8:57 am
by Stinsy better than I thought!

I bought a Shelly Thermostat before xmas and put it in the "shed" (garden office). It is positioned on the desk diagonally opposite the SH.

Here is what it has recorded this week:


It is hard to see from the graph above but here is what is happening:
- The SH charges between 2330 and 0530, However there is little-to-no heat leakage, at least nothing that registers on the thermostat.
- At 0630 the SH is programmed to heat the shed. and from 0700 onwards the temperature rises sharply.
- At 1800 the SH is programmed to turn off and the temperature drops slowly.

Last night was -8℃ out so you can see the shed temperature dropped to an overnight low a few degrees lower than previous nights (8℃ vs 10℃).

Re: HHR Storage Heaters...

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2025 9:23 am
by Joeboy
That's excellent, especially in the face of minus 8.