This is quite a piece of drone flying skill if nothing else!
Amazing to see some of the factory processes at Berlin, which includes the front and rear mega castings.
Tesla Berlin factory flythrough
Tesla Berlin factory flythrough
Tesla Model 3 Performance
Oversees an 11kWp solar array at work
Oversees an 11kWp solar array at work
Re: Tesla Berlin factory flythrough
Wow Dan, as you stated that was mighty impressive drone flying. I wonder if it too was partly programmed!
A very impressive manufacturing line as well, how things have changed in recent years. I can only sympathise with the legacy automakers who have billions invested in ICE vehicles and now have to somehow finance the changes to accommodate new power trains etc.
While they may have a century's start on Tesla in some ways, in others they are a decade behind so with some ground to make up in areas new to them.
Re: Tesla Berlin factory flythrough
Well , i dont think that a Drone would be able to film the ground water table situation in Brandenburg , as the water level there dropped over the last few years significantly , i have no understanding for allowing a factory like this, in that location , in a water protection area in between protected natural land/habitat and as it is allways a point the "Employment" one , Brandenburg is nothing near to a high unemployment region .... ( but that too the Drone wont be able to monitor )
Re: Tesla Berlin factory flythrough
Do you not think Tesla should have built a factory in Germany, or just somewhere else?
Tesla Model 3 Performance
Oversees an 11kWp solar array at work
Oversees an 11kWp solar array at work