A chequered history, a council with solar farms turns down small scale solar in the countryside?

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Mr Gus
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A chequered history, a council with solar farms turns down small scale solar in the countryside?


Post by Mr Gus »

Jack's Gelato, ridiculously good.

"The solar panel array which was included in the original plans was removed by the company after planning officers said the application would be refused if the solar panels were not taken out of the application"

https://www.huntspost.co.uk/news/236901 ... rm-girton/

Better insight as to the land...
https://www.cambsnews.co.uk/news/busine ... ton/12711/

Map of the area with site pinned...

So why would a council which has spent millions on solar farms turn down what would be a smallish solar set up for a local company of good repute that supports renewables? (BEV's included as part of the commitment)

The 5 solar parks in its portfolio..

https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/resid ... nd-storage

Swaffham Prior community heat network
https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/resid ... at-network
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
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