How one German village exemplifies the cancer risk from wood burning

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Re: How one German village exemplifies the cancer risk from wood burning


Post by ecogeorge »

Fire Is as old as mankind. Modern wood burning stoves are very efficient. Wood is a sustainable fuel.
You take my Woodburner and I will not be responsible for my actions.
1750w Vertical PV micro inverters
3800w almost horizontal/south
Aarrow Becton 7 Woodburner
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Allotment heavy clay.
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Re: How one German village exemplifies the cancer risk from wood burning


Post by Kommando »

Lifelong Asthmatic since I was 3, have lived in city centres, months spent in Shanghai where the outside air burnt the back of the throat, stood at bus stops not being able to see the number on the bus until it stopped, worked in factories including foundries. Despite all of that the worst attack I had was directly after a summer thunderstorm where the heavy rainfall cleaned out all the rubbish from the air. I was not alone, the city a&e were swamped and the incident was studied and papers written. Normally after every other heavy rainstorms due to the air being cleaner I got relief, this one was the opposite.

July 1983 – 7 July 1983: Birmingham, England

The wood burning stoves are staying, only downside to living in the countryside is the muck spreading.
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Re: How one German village exemplifies the cancer risk from wood burning


Post by chris_n »

I know I have said this before but the effects of burning wood etc are very clear to me here in the Alps. We have many valleys where air and particulate matter get trapped when air pressure is high and temperature is low. When I am in the mountains and there is plenty of snow to low levels you can see into the Inn valley and you can clearly see a layer of heavily polluted air hanging in the valley. Some of this is undoubtedly due to the traffic on the Inntal autobahn. However when you look around many or the more remote valleys you can see the same thing despite much lower levels of traffic.
Living the dream in Austria.
Uk property 3.75kW PV linked to 3kW inverter.
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Re: How one German village exemplifies the cancer risk from wood burning


Post by Ken »

Its particles that are so small you cannot see them that will kill you. If you can see it its probably ok.

In the old days a farmer spraying his field would kill insects many miles away, and humans breath the same air !
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