Hiya Ken, I also find it incredibly interesting. Can't pretend that I can get my head around it, but in general I think the long term argument is that some curtailment (no idea what percentage, but let's just say 0-5% for now), will be cheaper, than adding more storage to mop that bit up.Ken wrote: ↑Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:38 am I always find "RE excess with curtailment" an interesting one.
At the moment curtailment is only taking place to balance the grid and often brought on by transmission bottlenecks. This will continually be improved.
But with time of use tariffs and demand shifting will there ever be much curtailment of excess production. When all cars are EV the capacity to soak up this "excess" will be huge. Peak curtaiment nearly always aligns with ev charging at night.
Also as soon as one mentions FREE do you not think someone is going to come up with a way of using this,like small intermittent production or increasing the size of the upper reservoir on pumped hydro.
At least that's the theory. It certainly nakes sense to me in countries with better PV generation, and daily predictability. In the US where 1.5x our gen is 'easy', or 2x with single axis trackers, then you have PV generation costs down around $20/MWh already in some cases, and costs keep falling. So, and again, entirely theorising, I know no more than you, but if the running costs of storage are more than $20/MWh, then you'll reach a tipping point where overcapacity will be more economic than storage.
But, like you, I don't forsee any major issues with storage, be it short intraday, or long term, as the cheap excess of leccy, at times, will bring out the clever people who can see a way to make a profit. Perhpas we will see a saw tooth graph of excess, where it grows to a certain point, before it's viable for some additional, or new storage, and drops again, before repeating that pattern?
Edit - BTW, again, may be talking carp, but I suspect the UK will be different to the average, as our offshore wind potential is so, so huge, so we may need storage for troughs, but perhpas not for the whole of the peaks. For now, I expect it will displace FF genertaion in Europe, but could start to displace some hydro gen too (for use later on), if the UK excess is so cheap, that it undercuts other generation. Again, this is purely theory (mine), not a statement of what will happen, as the RE revolution is mind blowing, and the BEVolution, at the same time, will create demand and storage issues, so there will many cross issues developing, where the whole will be greater than the sum of the parts. M.