Someone needs to inform this "energy firm boss" about the fundamentals of the product he sells, energy. Heat pumps are most definitely not "energy sources", in any way, shape or form. It's like saying a gas boiler, or a fan heater is an "energy source", complete and utter twaddle.It "will take years" to get energy prices back to pre-Ukraine war levels, the boss of one of the world's biggest energy firms has told the BBC.
Enel's Francesco Starace said bringing prices down depends on new sources of energy such as renewables and heat pumps.
All heat pumps are is a way to consume some electrical energy in the process of increasing the usefulness of existing energy that has been provided by solar radiation in the main. Ground source heat pumps usually* make use of the summer warming of the soil and ground water, as a thermal store that heat can be extracted from in winter. Air source heat pumps make use of solar warming of the air, that again acts like a large thermal store.
The principal is absolutely no different to a wood stove burning wood generated by solar energy (via photosynthesis) into heat, burning coal that is exactly the same but using carbon stored for millions of years underground, or burning gas or oil that is yet again hydrocarbons formed mostly from photosynthesis millions of years ago.
We really only have three forms of useful energy that are available for us to make use of. That derived directly from the action of the sun at the time the energy is extracted (solar panels and wind energy), or by the action of the sun millions of years ago (gas, oil and coal), that derived from the effects of gravity and planetary motion (tidal power, geothermal power and hydroelectric power), and that derived from man made nuclear reactions.
The BBC should know better than to describe heat pumps as an energy source.
* "usually", because there are a very tiny number of geothermal sources using heat pumps commercially, I believe.