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Are we going to suffer as owners of wood cutting implements?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:27 pm
by Mr Gus
I noted there was a short "public consultation" which whilst the media picks up in "zombie knives & machetes" there was a slide in along the lines of "some limited use in gardening & agriculture" :roll: ... -and-wales

Blanket ban incoming? police failing to be able to understand the likes of a bill-hook & a hatchet & legitimate use & transportation? (years ago I decided it was just too much trouble with police to go to Cambridge with an overly "can't hurt anyone" heavily wrapped expensive(ish) swedish axe to get it measured for a protective hood from the local craft market.

I would have had to have had the handle sticking out of my rucksack, I anticipated that a pernicious member of the force would then turn on the handle (as weapon potential) in any subsequent write up as to a stop & search "incident" because that's how dumb & accusatory things have beco)me.

Tempted to buy a street legal (thus tiny) "pen" knife just to waste time seeing if the police can differentiate without confiscation to make good a point if stopped.

Might opt in to carrying a spray can of ralgex in my bag pouch seeing as pepper spray deterrents are illegal (joking, but reference the fact that they are now giving non regular police tasers to use as to putting weapons in dubious hands)

Re: Are we going to suffer as owners of wood cutting implements?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:05 pm
by Stinsy
I was at a football match recently. Put my hand in my pocket for warmth and felt the distinctive shape of my Mora. Now that'd have been difficult to explain to the magistrate!

We seem to be following the US in demonising the object whereas in reality it is the malicious intent that should be focussed upon.

Re: Are we going to suffer as owners of wood cutting implements?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:17 pm
by Mr Gus
Yeah, I keep my Mora sheathed & behind a wall hung decorative skateboard deck in my downstairs loo, it's almost like a gun locker in that my eye passes by it every time I "ablute" :lol: the pain that would come with a stop, search, logging of crime (regardless of innocence) & CPS decision to prosecute would be months of anguish, it was almost as bad back in the 80's with a flimsy knife I used to take plant cuttings with :roll:

Torture for bush-crafters on foot as to what's needed versus intervention & hassle of the law to prove non malicious purpose.

Re: Are we going to suffer as owners of wood cutting implements?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 8:05 pm
by Joeboy
I was pulled by French bobbies 20k or so from Calais heading into the port. All went well, 8:1 ratio and they all had guns. One wee over exuberant fanny found my axe and presented it to his CO (a hairy tattoo'd undercover biker type) as if it was exhibit A. I burst out laughing and the CO gave the boy the best drop dead Gallic look. Got the craick going and they let me go on my way.

Why the axe?

For wood chopping and in case. C'est bonne?

That was a good day. :)

Re: Are we going to suffer as owners of wood cutting implements?

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 8:09 pm
by Fintray
What's the world coming to if you can't walk about innocently with your axe or meat cleaver hanging out of your rucksack? :D

Re: Are we going to suffer as owners of wood cutting implements?

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 8:26 am
by Windbag
Stinsy wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:05 pm I was at a football match recently. Put my hand in my pocket for warmth and felt the distinctive shape of my Mora. Now that'd have been difficult to explain to the magistrate!

We seem to be following the US in demonising the object whereas in reality it is the malicious intent that should be focussed upon.

Football match.. Pah... I was in court on Jury service when I found my knife in the bottom of my grab bag. 🤔 Having been though a metal detector and a shoes off search...

Oops.. Maybe.... But they missed it too

Re: Are we going to suffer as owners of wood cutting implements?

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 6:20 pm
by renewablejohn
Went to court to prove I had not been speeding and took my 5 mtr steel tape measure to accurately prove my point only to have it confiscated as an offensive weapon to be returned on departure from the court building. Still managed to prove I had not been speeding despite their stupid camera systems saying otherwise.