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Fully Charged - Cobalt

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:08 pm
by dan_b
I watched this episode yesterday, found it very interesting indeed. I hope Fully Charged can keep making episodes that aren't just about cars.

Re: Fully Charged - Cobalt

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:18 pm
by Oliver90owner
I found it mostly boring. Nothing much, new, in the twenty minutes.

Re: Fully Charged - Cobalt

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:12 pm
by Stan
I found that useful.

Re: Fully Charged - Cobalt

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:22 pm
by Joeboy
Ill be watching it tomorrow morning with my tea to start my day. Thanks for bringing it!

P.S Setting recent topics to 10 in control panel is quite good now there are a few of us!

Re: Fully Charged - Cobalt

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:33 pm
by Mr Gus
I stopped with my patreon after experiencing the patronising management beyond Robert, it has strayed far, was great in the early days but now is dire

Just another mostly EV channel now that I just don't bother with.

1st lockdown allowed me to cool my heels where FC was concerned, I do miss Jonny Smiths take on stuff though (regardless of cars) he is far more competent & personable in front of a camera than the chop & change format of stilted so called young tv professionals eating up the patreon donations.
Roberts clumsiness was fine, he is genuinely interested, the rest are a pretty much a troupe of auto cue line readers on just another paid gig, the lady scientists knowledgeable detail on alternate energy subject matters cannot even get me back to viewing just to ram things further into my brain.

When they name someone on the site as "action andy" it all became the worst of channel 5, viewing figures for woman in cat suit & the massive weekly competition, minimal actual content & adverts for cillit bang in a neon pink bottle.

The last FC episode I remember seeing was about E-scooters (filmed under a fly over) it was woeful.

What decent alt energy / renewables video channels are out there these days worth a look at recommendations welcome.

Get "George" from Barley & Hops brewing channel on you-tube, now there is a man who can hold an audience & teach them at the same time.

Re: Fully Charged - Cobalt

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:57 am
by Stan
Just have a think is excellent, paid for by patreons.

Re: Fully Charged - Cobalt

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:07 am
by Paul_F
Podcasts seem to be better - vastly cheaper to make and that means they don't need to dumb it down to get a big audience.