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NL is likely to reach green energy targets, planning agencies say

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:16 pm
by AE-NMidlands ... ncies-say/ says
So many plans for wind and solar parks have been published that the Netherlands is likely to reach its green energy targets by 2030, according to the regional energy strategy board RES. The combination of current production plus plans submitted by the country’s 30 regional energy boards adds up to 55 terrawatt hours, well above the 35TWh target, the strategy board said. And while some plans will not materialise, ultimately between 35 and 46 TWh from alternative energy sources will be added to the mix, the Netherlands environmental assessment board (PBL) said. There are still several problems to be overcome, including a shortage of capacity in the electricity grid and legal challenges to wind parks. In addition, the shortage of technical staff ‘could well be the biggest problem,’ PBL chief Jan Matthijsen said at Thursday’s press conference.

When you see the wind going to waste across our Fens and Lincolnshire you wonder how our lot can even keep a straight face when they talk about energy policy... but maybe that's why they hardly ever do!

Re: NL is likely to reach green energy targets, planning agencies say

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:52 pm
by Paul_F
AE-NMidlands wrote: Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:16 pmWhen you see the wind going to waste across our Fens and Lincolnshire you wonder how our lot can even keep a straight face when they talk about energy policy... but maybe that's why they hardly ever do!
Given the UK generated 76 TWh of wind electricity in 2020, I'm not sure that having plans to exceed a 35 TWh target in 10 years time is a lot to brag about.

Re: NL is likely to reach green energy targets, planning agencies say

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:59 pm
by AE-NMidlands
Paul_F wrote: Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:52 pm
AE-NMidlands wrote: Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:16 pmWhen you see the wind going to waste across our Fens and Lincolnshire you wonder how our lot can even keep a straight face when they talk about energy policy... but maybe that's why they hardly ever do!
Given the UK generated 76 TWh of wind electricity in 2020, I'm not sure that having plans to exceed a 35 TWh target in 10 years time is a lot to brag about.
Well, the country is about 1/6 the size of the UK, has about twice the population density and hasn't got our Atlantic coast so it's not that bad. I bet they wish they had some hills like the one Graig Fatha is on...