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Leave the heating on constantly? - Article

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:33 pm
by AlBargey
Interesting article on constant heating: ... y-use.html

Re: Leave the heating on constantly? - Article

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:29 pm
by Andy
And its made even more complicated by different energy tariffs. I have a period on E10 from 0430 to 0730 which is considerably cheaper than outside that period. So, I have a setback during the night and then heat up in the cheap period where it doesn't matter so much about it being inefficient. From looking at my graphs its about a 30% saving on the heating overnight of which 4 hours of it are in the peak period. It doesn't take too long to recover the temperature. So depending the tariff you have, savings can be made. But they aren't that significant.

The hardest part with setback I find is getting a duvet size that gets me through the night without being too hot or cold :D

Re: Leave the heating on constantly? - Article

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 5:14 pm
by Mr Gus
Wool duvet in 2 pieces for summer + winter popper attachment (we bought ours from sheep farmers at the east of england show years ago & it has been a joy)

& in winter under me I enjoy a thin American Airlines blagged polartec blanket*, thin but warm for the coldest nights of recent warmer years (y'know what I mean)

*which when packing for travel somehow I always forget ..damn it!