Available in packets (typically 33g) with MSG .."king of flavour" ..or not, if you make it at home & leave the bugger out,
It basically is to rice what honey clusters were to alpen powdered muesli did in the 1980's
Suffice to say, if you are prepping someone for studentville, (ergo a lot of rice) or maybe a naff attempt to lose some weight, then furikake on well made rice at home, or in a lunchbox, ..for a gym monster etc is a very tasty addition to bland rice with plenty of variety ingredients to mix n' match
The "buy & try" before you make some at home is around £1.80 - £2.80 for a tasty "normal" furikake seasoning, the other option is looking at sushi-sushi.co.uk under SALE or simply, RICE SEASONINGS, you'll find several cheaper varieties alongside more high faluting seasoning ingredioents for Hestons etc..
OK ..enough gabbering, the first recipe (ha, a mix of dry micro ingredients) ..as simple as making "budder" (Nowty)

& if you have not had plum in recipes other than desert pie & plum sauce ...you have been missing a treat, the dried plum "micro bits" are very welcome, (the purple packet has the plum) ..nb, my first packs were from "oriental" chinese stores (one in MK with a great "canteen" style restaurant "Mii & you" attached to the shop) Sandy, & a few other locations dahn sarf-ish ..well, luton.
Longdan (various london stores up to MKeynes) do a lot of this around 12 varieties & way less than sushi-sushi for standard pre-made.
Product link..
https://www.sushisushi.co.uk/collection ... o-furikake