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Summer appears to be here

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:24 am
by Joeboy
Had a wonderful part morning in the gardens with the boss. A wee bit of weeding and seeds went in for beetroot, kale, carrot, salad leaves & radish. We already have rhubarb, strawberry, apple(3 variety), plums, onions, tatties, garlic on the go. All literally no maintenance crops. Always amazes me how apparently huge volumes of harvested onions & tatties just disappear heading into Winter!

We like to just over layer with compost, leaves, seaweed and plant straight into it. No tread beds, again its quite something to think of the volumes of green waste that have went in here every year.

I've potted on a few saplings that would otherwise have been composted out of the flower beds. I'm feeling guilty about those dangerous trees we felled the other week. I'll do some guerilla tree planting next Spring! :D




