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identify this wasp/hornet?

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:48 am
by Sunrisemike
While sawing up a large fallen oak branch, I noticed these flying creatures flying in and out of a hollow in the main trunk. There are only a few inhabitants and they seem to make occasional sorties out of their home. One is usually on guard at the entrance and seems to check incoming and outgoing flights. I am familiar with the European hornets, which often feed off oak sap near our garden, but these are smaller and have different markings. They have a very yellow face and look quite fearsome staring out from their guard position. I've checked every photo on google, and can't really match it to any specific type.
Any ideas??


Re: identify this wasp/hornet?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 6:20 pm
by AE-NMidlands
I think the yellow face and abdomen make it a European hornet, and not a pest. I must admit that my impression (that "our" hornets were a browner colour) doesn't seem to be correct. shows the local one.

By coincidence I found/saw my first hornet around here yesterday - in my wasp trap. I rescued it and it flew off apparently unharmed.
Previously I have only ever seen one at Lyme Regis 40 years ago, then a nest at Woodwalton Fen about 5 years ago.
Presumably it's just another animal moving north with the warming climate - like the allium leaf miner, which has reached here too. That is a pest!

Re: identify this wasp/hornet?

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 6:12 pm
by AE-NMidlands
here it (she) is - a bit smaller than my little finger! Presumably a young queen feeding up before over-wintering.
Another beekeeper has also seen his first ever round here, near beehives but no evidence of them harrassing bees at all.