His home is like playing Wheres Wally with solar panels.
Available real estate has been utilised where possible in different orientations and deviations to cover low sun and the rising and setting positions of the day.
This has obviously taken a number of years to implement but has grown in the same way that compounding interest works. Money saved from the original setup gets re-invested into the next set of panels.
As these panels save more money, it frees up more money.
Money saved is then invested into batteries. Batteries then allow the storage and resale of electric at a higher price point and so your money works harder for you.
The way I see this is that the extra money saved goes towards car repayments which then opens up the possibility of cheap rate electric and the savings and resale of electric accelerates further.
By the time you end up with a heat pump - you have free heating for your home, free car travel and also get paid enough to pay off your new electric car monthly payments

If I can get my steel portal up soon (covered in panels)
I go from paying:
-£150/ month car storage.
-£300/month electric in depths of winter.
-£300/month in fuel.
To potentially:
£0 car storage.
£0 electric/reaching parity.
£0/month in fuel.
+£100/month from export of electric.
+£60/month for storing other folks cars or bike.
This is a wild swing of expenditure to potential income.
Should have dealt with this far earlier