Found on ebay - Sofar ME3000 SP

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Re: Found on ebay - Sofar ME3000 SP


Post by Stinsy »

Fueltheburn wrote: Sun Mar 09, 2025 5:59 am Dear esteemed cohorts of Camelot.

What may I ask is so special about the Sofar ME3000SP?
It was one of the first decent Hybrid inverters installed at huge scale in the UK. Therefore there are loads of them coming up for cheap as people upgrade their systems. At the time other inverter brands were unreliable and often had low charge-discharge rates or were tied to proprietary battery systems. The ME200SP can be programmed and has a decent following from people prepared to write their own software.
12x 340W JA Solar panels (4.08kWp)
3x 380W JA Solar panels (1.14kWp)
6x 2.4kWh Pylontech batteries (14.4kWh)
LuxPower inverter/charger

(Artist formally known as ******, well it should be obvious enough to those for whom such things are important.)
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