
List items you have for sale or Free to a Good Home here.

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If you are interested in an item then post a reply simply indicating this and then continue communications via private message or email. Remember that this is a public forum and any personal information you put in a normal post will be visible to all, so don't post phone numbers or addresses.

Please start a new thread for anything you have to sell/give.

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Posts: 74
Joined: Mon May 31, 2021 1:24 pm



Post by Galahad »

List items you have for sale or Free to a Good Home here.

Please do not place any trade adverts - this is for private sales only. It's also not good form to simply join the forum in order to sell items, consider contributing some posts first.

If you are interested in an item then please post a reply simply indicating this and then continue further communications via private message or email. Remember that this is a public forum and any personal information you put in a normal post will be visible to all, so don't post phone numbers or addresses.

Please start a new thread for anything you have to sell/give.

The forum owner and admin team cannot accept responsibility or liability resulting from items sold or given.

Posts will be deleted 11 weeks after the last posting date in a thread.

Your posting here acknowledges your acceptance of these conditions.