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Even more offshore Scotland

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:38 pm
by GarethC
Another few GW of capacity have been awarded through a clearing process which commenced after the Scotwind auctions.

I -think- that brings the total auctioned capacity to about 28GW. Staggering numbers.

With the Westminster administered auctions included, what's the total funnel of planned UK offshore wind capacity now? ... -announced

Re: Even more offshore Scotland

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:53 pm
by dan_b
That's a lot of permitted offshore wind! They'll definitely need to get moving with the Eastern Bootstrap HVDCs to shunt that power around without constraint - plans for 2x 2GW HVDC lines to move power from Scotland down into England. Not sure where they've got to.

Re: Even more offshore Scotland

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:54 pm
by Mart
Can anyone answer this question. Are the Scottish seabed lease auctions additional RE deployment, or are they 'just' options for seabed lease, on which a company can then assess costs and submit a bid under the UK CfD mechanism?

In other words, are these separate deployments, or is the Scottish lease 'just' a stage along the route to a CfD contract?