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West of Orkney offshore windfarm

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:47 am
by dan_b
This is a new one for me - a 2GW offshore windfarm to be built off the west of Orkney ... s-surveys/

I would imagine the capacity factor of this one will be pretty impressive!

Re: West of Orkney offshore windfarm

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:05 pm
by Oldgreybeard
I wonder if they are doing anything to resolve the cable capacity issue?

I used to know someone that lived on Orkney and remember him saying that in windy weather they generated more electricity than the cables could handle via the link back to the mainland, so some of the wind turbines would be curtailed. Presumably, with an additional 2GW they will be uprating the cables to get the power to the mainland. They also need to resolve the long standing issue of getting power south. I know there is work going on to provide more capacity on the links taking power down into England, but 2GW more is a heck of an increase in just a few years.

Re: West of Orkney offshore windfarm

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:12 pm
by dan_b
The upgraded interconnector for the islands is still in approval review ... connector/

But i would imagine a 2GW offshore wind farm would need its own direct HVDC link back to the mainland rather than via Orkney.