UK offshore wind pipeline close to 100GW

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UK offshore wind pipeline close to 100GW


Post by dan_b » ... oses-100gw

Will snip a few key paragraphs as the article won't remain free for long - but looks like there's a LOT of wind power to come assuming they all go ahead.

" UK's pipeline of offshore wind projects grew again last year, climbing from 91.2GW to 97.9GW. But the relatively modest growth was outstripped by the huge expansion in the global offshore wind pipeline, which saw nearly 400GW of new projects proposed taking the total pipeline to 1.23TW."


"China's pipeline now stands at 157GW, with the UK in second place with its 98GW, the US in third place with 82GW, Sweden in fourth with 75MW, and Brazil completing the top five with 63GW."
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