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Tesup Wind Turbines

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:25 am
by NikoV6
Did do a search and Tesup not mentioned before, anybody heard of them. Prices look "competitive"!

Re: Tesup Wind Turbines

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:09 am
by Mr Gus
:evil: Niko, my senses are tingling... along the lines of waffle, greased speil & utter bollocks.

5 of their youtube videos have gone up in the last 4-5 moths, a further handful have been there for a year, a couple for 2 years.

The website makes bold claims (unsubstantiated)

"We’re the global leader with the largest household wind turbine installation footprint worldwide"

The website uses capital city landmark shots to up it's worldwide credibility.
Basic spelling error in the first paragraph.

Big use of vision, values etc which is very indicative of either the inexperienced (placement & modernity) or simply a copy & paste site that has been tarted up, it smacks of china co-ordination.

Repeating that the headquarters are london (well your london arm is) messy.

No active links to "partner universities" nor "partner corporations" (plenty of logo's, are they authorised & legitimate though)? ..doubtful.

Never neverland "innovation" ... ower-truck

classic house mount, disruptive airflow picture... :lol: ... h-customer

And so much more (check out the waffle that go's with "elene" a staff member for instance)

Anything else?

All bad signs..

Taken a shufti at companies house? ... ch?q=Tesup

Maybe want to check the date of the website going live in relation to the forming of their digital arm

If that is not enough


Re: Tesup Wind Turbines

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:10 am
by Marcus
Chocolate teapots.

Anyone trying to tell you that a 1m x 1m swept area VAWT can produce 7kw is running a scam.

Re: Tesup Wind Turbines

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:13 am
by Mr Gus
Rename them "soon to be TeETsup" & you got the idea.

Very little bankable nor credible data from a 10 minute "skim"

Re: Tesup Wind Turbines

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:22 am
Ref "Anyone trying to tell you that a 1m x 1m swept area VAWT can produce 7kw is running a scam. "

Beeeeet me Toooooo it.

I think they have just got typo problems on the website.

If it was tooooo say.

On a very good day it may produce 7watts at times. :oops:

Re: Tesup Wind Turbines

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:03 am
by NikoV6
Thanks everybody, I was posting for a friend who was considering buying from them. I will put him off, I did say to him it looks a little too good to be true! :lol:

Re: Tesup Wind Turbines

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:06 am
by Mr Gus
Niko, maybe do a reverse image search for scrutiny, what appear to be stock images abound.. likely the staff ones too.

Try geo searching their supposed London engineering design HQ :lol: & marrying the cash poor finances from companies house to the type of money with the genuinely global brands based in that area ;) it does not make sense except for a paid post box address for comms to be forwarded from. ... 9939432615

That friend, owes you a night down the pub!

Re: Tesup Wind Turbines

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:44 am
by Mr Gus
Nowty, Joe!, Marcus et al...

Recommend you book now for friday (seriously) ... ist_widget

The lady is Amanda Pereira ... university

Class opportunity to listen in or rip a new hole for an @rse.

This is the only free one, the others are charging you for your interest in their product!

See this one, renewables expert yeah? ... g5YjciXV1d

"Alex" will teach you how to speak russian ... n-language

& finally "Hala"

Re: Tesup Wind Turbines

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 10:09 am
by ClockmanFRA
Its a scam........ syas 5kw machine with a 2.3m diameter blades. yea not a chance in hell. Maybe in hurricane conditions for about 30 seconds before the wind turbine destroy's itself.

My 3off 3.7m diameter wind turbines (Hugh Piggotts design), give a constant 1kw each, and in gusts can give 3kw but only until the turbine is self furling. And Hughs are probably the best ROBUST, SIMPLE, and COST EFFECTIVE in this world.