E-scooter hatred ..with angle grinders.

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Re: E-scooter hatred ..with angle grinders.


Post by Stinsy »

No bias.

I'm all for walking, or cycling.

If a bike has a motor, it is a motorbike. I'm not against motorbikes but they should require requisite training, licence, insurance, registration, etc.

I get that you have one of these e-bikes and are thus refusing to see it as a motorbike. But that is something for you to contort your own mind around.
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Mr Gus
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Re: E-scooter hatred ..with angle grinders.


Post by Mr Gus »

I have experience of them, thus the quite reasonable question, another you skirted.

Also, govt / police estimated around 1million uninsured drivers of motor vehicles in the uk, likely would be reduced somewhat by e transport uptake for short trips / short commutes, continued mobility.

Holland does pretty well with "shared space" incidentally.
& The legal max for ebike speed assist for roads was put in at the LOWEST number within the definition, which if you apply similar rationale of a twizy model is clearer but gives it quadricycle definition because they are not "new" & flummoxed law makers.

Your experience as an actual rider on both ebike & escooter then is what? (to further my understanding of your stance)
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Re: E-scooter hatred ..with angle grinders.


Post by Bugtownboy »

I know he was intoxicated but, :shock:

Mr Gus
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Re: E-scooter hatred ..with angle grinders.


Post by Mr Gus »

Yup what a dick.
I remember in my youth "mad mary" who used to cycle drunk at seemingly impossible angles & recover again to ride away whilst effin & jeffin, tearing up & down the same strip of road (less cars, it was the 70's) maybe those angles seemed more intense due to my age & thus proximity to the floor & likely not being much taller than her bike wheels themselves, but "well oiled" as a phrase springs to mind applicable to both the heavy old fashioned bike & herself.

I won't ever drink & snowboard as movement is weight shift dependent, scooters to a much lesser degree, that guy needs castrating, lucky /not lucky it wasn't an e-skateboard, he would have cracked his skull & lain in a heap long before getting to the motorway.
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
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