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EV battery packs compared

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:45 am
by dan_b
Sorry for linking to Teslarati, but I couldn't find another article with the same info in it - ie relating to the most recent Munro Live teardown of the Ford Mach-E battery pack where they presented a comparison table of EV battery pack weights, capacities, and the stated range of each vehicle.

It goes to show that big battery is not necessarily the only solution to greater range. And makes you wonder what on earth Audi and Jaguar are doing with all those electrons? ... son-video/

Re: EV battery packs compared

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:24 am
by Stinsy
Efficiency as measured in kWh/km is one area where Tesla genuinely is very far ahead of the pack. I remember reading that Audi has set up a "skunkworks" style engineering dept with the sole objective of improving efficiency.

Re: EV battery packs compared

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 5:17 pm
by dan_b
Yep, although it looks like Hyundai are pretty close behind - and will be interesting to see what the efficiency stats are for their new 800v battery architecture in their new models.