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e-bike battery charging

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 8:17 pm
by Marcus
This is fairly trivial and i'm probably over thinking it but:-

I've just bought a (3rd hand) e-bike: it's a few years old but appears to have clocked only 500odd km, and was a lot cheaper than buying new.

I've done about 30km so far in short trips and so-far, so good :) .

But i am slightly unsure how best to charge it up when doing small trips; I assumed as it is a Li-poly battery that it's best to keep it 80-90% as best as i can judge and periodically up to 100% for equalization - so no need to charge daily after short trips use. The manual (yes i do actually read them) says it should always be fully recharged after use (see pics).



Obviously there's no warranty, I just want to get the best life from the li-poly battery i can, so with all the battery-experienced members on this forum i thought i would ask:

should i follow the manufacturers instructions? or let it lie a day or three before charging?

Re: e-bike battery charging

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 8:43 pm
by billi
to be honnest , when i go for i ride and bring my horse back home i always plug her in and have full charge after

Hard to follow all those reports about what is right or wrong . same with mobile phones .... why the hell should we care as the endconsumers to charge them right , so i would asume that nowadays charger take care am pretty sure they do

Re: e-bike battery charging

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 8:57 pm
by chris_n
That's what I do too, unless I know it is going to be unused (winter in tha Alps) then I give it about 80 % / 39 - 40V.

Re: e-bike battery charging

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:03 pm
by Gareth J
We just plug in if below 1/2 on returning, try not to go to let it drop to the lowest depths and try not to leave discharged.

Won't last forever whatever we do and the bike is there to be used.

Approaching 3000mi, in 3.5yrs. battery is a shell of its former self but still has a useful range (~16 hardish miles). That's ok

Re: e-bike battery charging

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:40 pm
by nowty
I plug in for full charge too, its used infrequently so even if I am losing cycle life, it hardly matters. Its over 10 years old now and still works similar to new.

The charger has a lower voltage setting setting for long term storage but I've always still charged it full as I fear it deeply discharging over winter more than leaving it at full charge for long periods.

Sometimes you can over think it.

Re: e-bike battery charging

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 10:26 pm
by Marcus
Yes i do tend to over think these things - comes from eaking out ageing lead acid batteries for years :roll: . So majority opinion is i should just recharge every time and, unanimously, not worry :D . I've also been telling myself that the battery has had to survive whatever the previous owners have done to it so worrying at this point is probably a waste of time.

'couse i might just check what voltage the charger stops at sometime when i have a mo'...


Re: e-bike battery charging

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 10:44 pm
by Mr Gus
+1 for full charge (because you never know when you will have to push the boundaries & you may feel drained one day to the next never mind your battery.

TBH, I change years & battery assist a lot route dependent & for when I am in the zone, that's because it is responsive, so I can regen it (hopefully). & drop down a level of 3 (my aim is to maintain 20mph or more when not in the village & clear of pedestrians)

I also invested in a replacement battery pack as the original was losing a bit more than I was happy with, so I have room to swap out now.

Re: e-bike battery charging

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 8:47 am
by billi
Just had a Look ,aß concidering a second accu too, the Metal cover of my Bikes BOSCH Battery is easy to remove slided off...But i guess i even dont have to move that Cover into the next Battery ... Well does Not Look so elegant but

Re: e-bike battery charging

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 9:52 am
by chris_n
billi wrote: Fri Aug 05, 2022 8:47 am Just had a Look ,aß concidering a second accu too, the Metal cover of my Bikes BOSCH Battery is easy to remove slided off...But i guess i even dont have to move that Cover into the next Battery ... Well does Not Look so elegant but
Bosch batteries have quite a sophisticated Canbus system that prevents you just adding an extender.
Have a look at ... /bosch.30/ . It's German so will suit you ;)

Re: e-bike battery charging

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:35 am
by billi
:D , well am not looking for a range extender , just perhaps for a second battery to take with me on a longer trip like a planned bike holiday
But hard to imagine that i will be in the mood to swap batteries after a 80 km ride to do another 80 :roll: , but might want to stop at locations where no socket is available ....

But needs to be planned arround to find sockets on a longer travel , an second Accu is about 600 Euro thats a lot of B&B and Beergarden money spare for a stop