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8ft surfboard in a TM3 ?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 2:15 pm
by Mr Gus
Yes apparently. ... or-surfers
Gives me hope for nearly stacking my quiver of snowboards (longest being a wide, big-foot 166 powder / just crazy fast board) internally, an exterior rack is a nice idea but the potential for range loss appears quite severe. ... es.143042/

I was looking for length in feet with seat flat for max non intrusive length, + whatever is do-able on top, that the fact that cars are always cubic litres referencing boot space, ..hard to get your head around.

Re: 8ft surfboard in a TM3 ?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:18 pm
by Mr Gus
The result was that it was a bit of a biatch to get in the model 3, but it got in & was actually harder to get out :shock:
It extended into the front, sat on the arm-rest without annoying the wife too much beyond a "your dad has only gone & bought a bloody surfboard" text to the daughter.

As I was talking ev with some folk I got a tad flustered & couldnt remember if the arm rest came down separately, ...annoying that there is not even the vaguest of movement in the middle to make any ski storage easier & leave seating intact.