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Going down the EU commercial scale Hydrogen rabbit hole.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 9:07 am
by Mr Gus
Link to (GMBH) ... ... (german govt shoving 900 million euros into this)

Germany and EU actively recruiting member states to join green hydrogen import scheme using a "team europe" approach, which depending on how it is applied, forced or cajoled through, may well lead us all into a lot of costly trouble unless it is wholly transparent, which considering we have "secret meetings" out of public scrutiny ballhooks for a decade or more now could be a new low for Europe putting us on another energy hamster wheel. ... -1-1495788

An import scheme, smacks of the awful hand to mouth reliance we have from the gas & oil industry all over again.

"TEAM EUROPE" suggests a you're either with us or against us attitude causing more problems with bloc stability, with nice revenue for Germany as the middleman.

If you tie that in with this piece on Rotterdam port, storage, current & proposed, let alone ammonia spills (be they on land or in the sea) then it looks like a rough few years of implementation & the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, big pipelines needing constructing through Rotterdam? good luck with that. ... -1-1409047

If you can get by the seemingly shock horror title this is an interesting piece on ammonia transportation by sea now & potential ramped up in a hydrogen fuelled world.. ... -1-1327957