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Tesla HGV does 1000 miles in one day

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:59 am
by dan_b
Not great reporting, but this seems significant. If the Tesla HGV can do 1000 miles in one day whilst hauling loads, that's surely a sign of good things to come? ... ingle-day/

Re: Tesla HGV does 1000 miles in one day

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 10:43 am
by Mart
Hi Dan, the 3 week event 'Run on Less' has now concluded, and hopefully we'll get to see lots of info regarding the different trucks that took part.

From memory, another Tesla semi result (there were 3 Tesla trucks taking part I believe), managed 800 miles in a single day, with 5 deliveries, and one managing 1,600 miles over two days.

The charging speeds for the 1,000 miles in a day run, don't look that fast, so can only imagine what will be possible when Megachargers are rolled out along highway routes for recharge during mandatory stops (if single driver), or trucks can charge/top up when collecting/dropping off loads.

There was also a good result on day one for the eCascadia built by Freightliner (Mercedes), which has an up to 230 mile range, but managed 248 miles on approx 90%. But of course, routes, weight etc will vary, possibly headwinds, tailwinds, even a net difference in altitude.