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Test driving EVs

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:54 pm
by Paul_F
I've just had it confirmed that work are bringing in the Octopus salary-sacrifice EV lease scheme in the next few months. Because I'm lucky enough to be a higher-rate taxpayer, it's going to be about cost neutral and less hassle with maintenance: my current car is a 10 year old E-class estate.

Question - how do you go about arranging test drives if you're thinking of doing a scheme like that? I've had a Model 3 as a hire car for a few days with work which I didn't like, and I know there's a Polestar test drive centre nearby, but what about the rest of them? Do you just book in with dealers even though you know you'd never buy from them?

Re: Test driving EVs

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 6:12 pm
by John_S
Yes. It is as simple as that. They expect it. That is why dealers have demonstrator cars.

You can also tell a lot by just sitting in a car. Does it feel right, can you easily reach everything, are there any annoying blind spots etc. To be honest, I never bothered with a test drive when I bought my VW ID4. I had owned VWs before and I was not interested in the fine differences between how it handled and how another car handled. I driven enough cars to know that they all do ok.

Re: Test driving EVs

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 7:55 pm
by dan_b
Yep, just pitch up and take some cars out for a drive.

The dealership model is done for anyway at least for new cars as more and more people and manufacturers shift to online ordering. I bought my EV online took about 5 mins to click on the specs and then confirm finances.

Re: Test driving EVs

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 8:16 am
by Paul_F
OK, thanks. I had a feeling it would be like that but it felt like asking for something for nothing from the dealers so there had to be a catch. I'm guessing they get paid by the manufacturers to support this or something?

Re: Test driving EVs

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:48 pm
by greentangerine
I have bought cars several times without test drives - a new Galaxy (replacing the one I had) and then two Ford Mondeo estates. Test drove the MG5 but didn't bother to do that with the MG4 I replaced it with.

My wife however always needs to do so as she's 4' 10" and has often found the cars at the top of her wish list don't have enough adjustment in the drivers seat etc. She has a Zoe which works well for her but that goes back in October. We're looking at the new Renault 5 as a replacement but it isn't out yet so no test drive possible! Hoping it'll be released sooner rather than later.

Re: Test driving EVs

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:11 pm
by Paul_F
I've got a smashed up/repaired collarbone that gets painful on long drives without support at the right height, and that's something you won't get from reviews or photos unfortunately.