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Re: Not an "old forum" member


Post by CrofterMannie »

Are you sure Ribes (black/white/red currants) are poisonous to dogs? I've never heard that so have just done some research and can't find anything that says they are.
There is plenty to say that currents from dried grapes (and raisins, sultanas etc) are poisonous for dogs but they are a totally different plant.

Moxi, I'm far from an expert but have spent the last 8 years trying to grow fruit in a difficult environment. I'm at 280m in the north of Scotland, currently under 20cm of snow and every other year we have had several days lying snow in May which can make things challenging.
Perhaps we should have another thread on growing fruit on the edge of what's possible.
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Re: Not an "old forum" member


Post by snootsandfruits »

Oh, you may well be right on the currants (blackcurrants in this case). Everything was a bit hectic when we moved in, and there's another bush that definitely does have poisonous berries so I pretty much went around the garden quickly googling and removing anything suspect.

When I say I've removed them, so far I've only actually cut them right back though, and they were well established, and it was done in the winter, so they're likely still very much alive and can yet be saved!
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