Odd topic, "we bought an inversion table"

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Mr Gus
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Odd topic, "we bought an inversion table"


Post by Mr Gus »

For years the wife was (correctly it turns out) haranguing me for an expensive cheap metal foam & thin board inversion table I paid no heed due to other purchases being complete crap / left to rot unused.

Last Am prime day a crap one was more realistically priced at £100 something, worth a go, she bit the bullet (we were quoted around £450 a few years back) & being a person back crackers shrink from, this is worthy price of a few sessions.

Due to dizziness (overcome) I started slowly & am now on "full tilt"

The Neck & shoulders, arm joints did start to crack a lot for a few days as they decompressed but now way easier, I'm doing 10 minutes every other day (should do more) wife doing less (typical) but both showing great improvement to sleep, pain, rotational movement etc..

The worst thing?

Space it takes up (though foldable) & the "dog attacks" ..they know you are prone, so lick the hell out of your face, reducing relaxation, or as per tank licks & upside down tickle my chest demands.

If you have been considering one, at the right price they can make more sense than a few weeks of treatment / in combination I can vouch for the amount of benefit experienced, lots of physio stretching & rotations made a whole lot easier.

Incidentally, further you lean back the easier it is to return to upright on the "franken-bench" ,,however feels easier to have someone around whilst you get used to it.

I set a timer & listen to the radio, watching a movie not recommended.

(heavy backpack wearing marines decompress with inversion tables regularly)
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Re: Odd topic, "we bought an inversion table"


Post by Bugtownboy »

My only (vicarious) experience of the tilt tables, Gus, was listening to Phil Edmonds (Philippe-Henri Edmonds) who used one to great success to prolong his spin bowling career (Middlesex and England).

Think Sir Tom uses one too.

It does work well and I’m glad you’ve found one that works well for you.
Mr Gus
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Re: Odd topic, "we bought an inversion table"


Post by Mr Gus »

thanks "cheap one" ...that works well for me 😉

We all get creaky back& neck pains, id have been several thousand better off even if we'd paid £400 ..point is, cheap, works, value even in the short term, not so much mumbo jumbo & worls well in combination with an ultrasonic tissue massager, who knows I may even be able to backflip my snowboard again! :shock:
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
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