SCAMMERS "ENERGY HUB" cold calling

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Mr Gus
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SCAMMERS "ENERGY HUB" cold calling


Post by Mr Gus »

Call from 01135 190447 "allegedly"

As a phone call it could be spelt differently.

Classic "free loft inspection, because the govt have just classified forms of insulation irritants" ..say's she

"dust is deemed an irritant in a loft environmnent, so to which variants of loft insulation are you citing therefore"?

It went quiet, silent, rumbled silence.

So I caller her a scamming whore & hung up. (because it's not exactly an honest profession, thus I have zero qualms telling thieves & scammers what I think of them.

Reported to action fraud (20 minutes on a phone line)
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
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Re: SCAMMERS "ENERGY HUB" cold calling


Post by marshman »

Bit strong Gus, she was probably on less than minimum wage in a call centre reading from a script - doubt she wrote the script or gets any benefit from any future "scam". Not in the same league as "Hello Sir I am calling from the Office Of Microsoft Internet you have a virus ........ please give me control of your computer" - or "hello this is Amazon we are charging you $1300 dollars, please give me you card details". etc. etc.

I lump those ones in with the "your cavity wall insulation may be faulty", "your PV system needs a safety and performance check", where upon all they do is arrange an appointment for someone to call round who then tries to sell you something you probably don't need - plenty of times to just say no.
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Re: SCAMMERS "ENERGY HUB" cold calling


Post by Tinbum »

My wife can't believe it when she hears me tell them to 'F off you F scammer'. I should really just waste their time, but I very rarely get scam calls now. :D

I very nearly got caught once re a car insurance claim. Went along the lines of putting in a claim for injuries even though I wasn't injured and no medical being required. It was only my morals that saved me. They had all the details of the accident including date, place, registrations and names as well as phone numbers etc etc. Turns out they had 'acquired' a database from a legitimate claims company.
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Mr Gus
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Re: SCAMMERS "ENERGY HUB" cold calling


Post by Mr Gus »

No patience for scammers, if it makes her quit calling her out, then I'm happy about it. she had no answers prepped as comebacks to pertinent questions "what insulation types"!? when asked to reply chose silence with the very vehicle she chose to waste my time, finding phone, checking number, checking internet, ..refusimg to answer where she'd got our number etc etc, ..this sort of person preying on people i'd have a hard time not stamping on their fingers if they were hanging off a cliff mainly because it would effectively serve to reduce illegally carried out "nuisance"calls to the populace for a week or two.

Scamming is plain wrong at any level.. this as a reminder.. ... man-jailed

Anyhow, Bojo or truss? ..whose non cost effective brainstormer came up with this "gem" of a name? ... ion-scheme
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
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Mr Gus
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Re: SCAMMERS "ENERGY HUB" cold calling


Post by Mr Gus »

Same scamming cow called again today.(different number, silent call) I called back, finding out it was the same crock of #### scammerl

This time she stated "fibreglass / rockwool" as the problem no sign of trying to claim they were illegal,.
As she said "we are in your area" ..I asked which area, ..again she went silent, likely blocking all audio as she knows her grift has been caught.

Operating via Twilio voip network, call origin despite appearance seems to be reading area, matching somewhat her speech pattern.

CEO finder just gives a guy callrd for the boss contact for this international company (with uk ”office" address) ..smacks of a ghost office.

Interestingly, maybe rhe "who called me" site now has an app called "Wotcha" for ios & android, which is free to use (so what are they profiting from)? ..which looks like it checks scam probabilities of incoming calls..

might be of interest to someone here?
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
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