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Re: Beer recommendations.. What's tickling your buds, bud?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:40 pm
by Joeboy
Bugtownboy wrote: Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:33 pm
Joeboy wrote: Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:04 pm Sounds lovely! I love beer & cider
Oh, we have plenty of Cider down here. Some of it nice :roll:

Seriously, on a hot summers afternoon, a glass of proper job cider is lovely.
Last time I was South UK was Devon and we had Rattler. Very nice indeed!

Re: Beer recommendations.. What's tickling your buds, bud?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:54 pm
by Bugtownboy
Zummerzet’s the place Joe ;)

There’s some really nice, refreshing Ciders and there’s some distinctly challenging, in my opinion, farmhouse ciders.

All a matter of taste. Allegedly.

Re: Beer recommendations.. What's tickling your buds, bud?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 9:42 pm
by ecogeorge
Do like a Rev James from Lidl ........also Henry Weston vintage cider -but its 8%

Re: Beer recommendations.. What's tickling your buds, bud?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 10:35 pm
by Mr Gus
I was drinking a coffee stout last night Siren, broken dreams!? Very espresso finish but not overly bitter & kept me sipping away at a few pints worth, I was at a small beer fest, the big Peterborough one was a no go due to wifes work demands ..bah!
Started off with a pint of JHB ,(Jeffery Hudson beer session ale) and a variety of fruit ciders .a nice cherry one that played on the teeth (If you know what I mean) & a mango cider which was more like a j2o, ..I have had a recovery day from mixing my drinks but no heavy hangover thank goodness, ..I never learn.

Re: Beer recommendations.. What's tickling your buds, bud?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 10:42 pm
by Mr Gus
Another vote for rattler, recently had a bottle found cheap in Morrison's I think, going by the label design I thought it was not going to be great, but it is very tasty indeed, must fine more of that.

Re: Beer recommendations.. What's tickling your buds, bud?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:33 am
by Bugtownboy
If you’re down Zummerzet way, there are few producers making single varietal Ciders - Sheppy’s in Bradford on Tone (between Taunton and Wellington) is one.

One of my favourite cider apples is Kingston Black - always good when it features prominently in the blend.

You can get it as a single varietal Cider and Apple Brandy too.

Re: Beer recommendations.. What's tickling your buds, bud?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:06 pm
by AE-NMidlands
I like cider too, and make apple wine...
As a child my (native Devonian) parents would get us Cydrax as an occasional treat. However I never saw a van like this ... 101224.m-1

Re: Beer recommendations.. What's tickling your buds, bud?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:26 pm
by Oldgreybeard
Funny how one bad experience can change your taste buds seemingly forever. This talk of cider reminded me why I absolutely hate the stuff, just the smell of it is enough to get me feeling queasy. All comes down to a school trip to Switzerland, when I was about 14 or 15. I got slapped around the face by a girl in my class that I'd been fond of for some time (thought she felt the same, but she was lured by one of the ski instructors . . . ).

I ended up sneaking away to a bar away from the hotel (the hotel wouldn't serve us alcohol) and got completely plastered on Apfelwein. The bar owner carried me back to the hotel, where all I can remember is being put to bed by the art mistress, Miss Gomm. I can still remember her standing at the end of the bed, shaking her finger at me and saying "A gentleman should learn to hold his liquor". About all I can remember, apart from being sick several times. That was well over 50 years ago.

Re: Beer recommendations.. What's tickling your buds, bud?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:54 pm
by Mr Gus
Yup, I'm sure that 50 years inbetween cidres should have solved their own teenage up-chuck dilemma by now, any alcohol to excess can promote that response, my response to Brussels sprouts was like your puking, but I eventually found some beautifully cooked ones that were tasty, in a Wetherspoons of all places!

Tonight's foray to the closing night of the beer fest was more siren & cherry cider (only a couple of pints mind) & a chat with the village club management about their reinvestment of any profit towards upgrades, of which solar & ashp are a possibility to counter some spiralling energy costs, I pointed to here, the fella works in building inspection (loosely put) so is switched on but not as familiar as you lot, ..may come knocking with fag packet plans for assistance in the new year for some paperwork dno & material speccing.

Wife been at work since 7 am, went in "for a few hours" didn't want to be bad propping a bar up after the day she had foisted upon her.

Re: Beer recommendations.. What's tickling your buds, bud?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 10:19 pm
by Mr Gus
Tonight, M&S "Belgian cherry wheat beer" ..very cherry, (from concentrate) & the first beer wife as a non drinker would contemplate for herself.
Lovely 3.5% ABV sipping beer, must get another.