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"Natto" ...anyone else eat it?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 10:39 am
by Mr Gus
I love the stuff, but it's served typically in tiny portions (in a polystyrene container) to go with plain rice, ..a love / hate umami flavour not so much the texture of snot when mixed ..typically eaten with a dash of English mustard & chopsticks.
Much like tempeh, natto is another nutritious meat substitute made from soy that has been fermented, amping up its probiotic content and nutritional benefits. It’s an excellent source of protein, It’s also high in manganese, iron, copper and magnesium, managing to knock out over half of your daily needs in just one serving.

It’s made by soaking whole soybeans, steaming or boiling them, and then adding a strain of beneficial bacteria and allowing it to ferment. Natto has a strong smell and distinct texture and is definitely an acquired taste. In Japan, natto is a dietary staple for many and is typically seasoned and served alongside cooked rice as a traditional breakfast dish"

It's one of the foods I've had intermittently over the past few years as part of the extreme gut problems remedial action that is a better assist than a bunch of pills daily (which are big & miss) ..basically probiotics are giving me my life back slowly, (thus interest in beer again)
I'd eat more if it's easy to home culture & get rid of the styrene, (a rare purchase)

Nb, I just like natto & paneer, not looking to go full veg, but they are nice & acceptable cut backs of done / paired well. 😉

What made me think of it was trying beef flavoured skewer soy chunk snacks at a Chinese wholesaler which I enjoyed & thought, I'm alternative to meat now & again, depending on how it's made (covid put paid to my favourite multi level spiced veg paneer curry from morrisons)

Thought I'd ask therefore.

Re: "Natto" ...anyone else eat it?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 3:06 pm
by Stig
I tried it once when in Japan, not for me I decided. I do like tempeh though, I think it's a texture thing.

Re: "Natto" ...anyone else eat it?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 6:45 am
by Mr Gus
Whilst I eat it straight from the container (without rice) the snot-like appearance disappears when mixed with rice, more of a brain / eye connection for those easily repulsed I suppose.

I have found some starter cultures now so may give it a go at home, it's very simple to make it seems.

This is one of the few "lingering" gut bacterias (up to 5 days) which is ideal for me with my forgetful brain.