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MSG (and Palm oil)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 6:27 pm
by AE-NMidlands
Some time back there was a comment that Worcester sauce now has MSG in it. Our bottle is so old that I can't find a use-by date on it, but there's none in it. One current example: Sainsbury's website currently says
Malt Vinegar (from Barley), Spirit Vinegar, Molasses, Sugar, Salt, Anchovies (Fish), Tamarind Extract, Onions, Garlic, Spice, Flavourings
and I would believe that.
There is/was an alternative, Henderson's Yorkshire Relish, but that now has saccharine and sugar syrup (what sugars?) in it, which is a blow.
(Cheap?) Gravy powder seems to contain both MSG and Palm oil, as do some/most Stock cubes, although Sainsbury's Chicken gravy powder seems to be free of MSG - but has palm oil as its second ingredient!

On avoiding Palm oil, I am using a few stock pots now - plus home-made (frozen) stock of course.
I avoid most biscuits, eating plain Scottish oatcakes quite a lot, and the Nairn's cheese-flavoured ones for a treat.
Any other suggestions?

Re: MSG (and Palm oil)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:22 pm
by Krill
What biscuits do you like? McVities Rich Tea biscuits are palm oil free, otherwise I bake my own oatmeal cookies (and use Milka chocolate if I can be bothered, but they are really nice without.

Gravy mixes: Great British Butchers brand of gravy mixes are solid and do not contain palm oil; I get them from my butcher but I think M&S sell them.

Re: MSG (and Palm oil)

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:52 pm
by Mr Gus
Nairns only recently STOPPED using palm oil, I asked till I was blue in the face & gave up on the brand in recent times.

L&P worc got bad when the govt anti salt crusade hit town.
Hendo's at least has flavour.

Too many biscuits have palm oil (unnecessarily) to wind biscuits down then, (again finally gave up on tunnocks ever changing the caramel wafer)

Gravy? still got some pre-covid unopened tubs of it to use then I'll have a look around.

The whole palm oil "shit" just does my head in, it's like casting a net in a supermarket & scrutinising what "hasn't got it"