Whilst there are even shortages of "eggs in local supermarket shops" due to some crazy distribution logistics you can still buy traditional trays of eggs round here easily, feed merchants usually have plenty
But as I do care about waste, & have for many years enjoyed a full white with a yolk straight out of a shell cooked for 45 minutes at a low temp sous vide (ps full 24 hrs to get down to room temp afterwards, so reheating & cooking something else even a few hours later is a win win..
So I dont mind a snotty "all the proteins" egg meal..no waste!
But the wife hates the snots, I have been trying (& failing) to adjust her to good salt seasoning standard egg, proper poaching needs 2 lots of water, +2 lots of heat, ..my chinese wholesaler mini skimmer is good at producing a perfect poached in shape & (ovum-oid)
I tried the egg prick method to allow water circulation between the shell to perhaps lift & shape (wonderbra style) whilst sous videing .. but it nade no odds pricked or not.
Does anyone know a better method for egg white retention in this manner that doesn't involve a rubbery egg in a mould (wetherspoons style eggs benny)
The dogs love their eggs, so no waste, ..Ive actually been airfrying bacon & eggs on toast last week, a satisfying meal in 10 minutes / 15 for 2 eggs & 2 bacon double decker with a wee pastry cutter for the egg pocket (easier than the single to assemble)
But the waste on "posh eggs is getting me nonetheless so anyone have a foolproof "more whites" method?