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Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:00 am
by Joeboy
SWMBO & were out and about on Friday & Saturday in Aberdeenshire countryside and one of my 'things to do' was buy a dozen free range eggs. We didn't see a single 'eggs for sale' sign in about 100 miles of country roads. :cry:

Re: Eggs?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:22 am
by MrPablo
There's a nursery a few miles away which has a hutch and honesty box outside the main gate.
They have trays of 30 eggs for a good price, but ever since the supermarket shortages and price increases the hutch is cleaned out by early morning.

I think there's more demand for eggs from source nowadays, especially as you know the money is going straight to the producers.

Re: Eggs?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 9:01 am
by Joeboy
Its one of those momentary focused things. I made kedgeree last week so used a half dozen eggs. That led me onto 'even though we don't have the lifestyle' as abroad a fair bit, wouldn't it be great to have a few of the crazy wee backward hinged leg dinosaur looking wonders knocking about the garden? Well that was put to bed quickly when i looked online and instantly came up against govt avian flu rules. You will keep you chickens indoors at all times etc.

Killed any chance of a bit of fun! I wonder if that might be a part of the dearth of eggs signs up here? Just shows, take your eye off the ball for a decade and it all changes! :lol:

Re: Eggs?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:02 am
by marshman

Re: Eggs?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:22 am
by Tinbum
They are still limited at the supermarket!!

We used to keep chickens. In-fact our last one died last week of old age, she hadn't laid in years though.

Re: Eggs?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:31 am
by Moxi
Yes I agree the cost of layers pellet and corn by the sack is very expensive, we keep 5 chooks in a wire mesh compound with netting over the top to keep them separate from the wild birds.

They have a large area to run and scratch in and we provide greens daily.

Left in a garden a few hens will decimate greens and flowers in a matter of days, their habits also invite rats and mice so its a decision to be considered before opting in.

That said we love our ladies and we are getting 4 to five eggs per day at present, the rats are a bonus for me as I get to use my .22 and .177 rat removal equipment and keep my eye in at the same time, but for others these unwanted visitors can be far more distressing.

We often wonder about whether or not to replace the girls as they age and meet their natural end but when that occurs we always seem to go and get a few more.


Re: Eggs?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:45 am
by marshman

Re: Eggs?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:20 am
by Tinbum
We had a problem with rats. The problem is that if you use poison the chickens food is the antidote (vitamin K). I have a .22 so shoot them.

Re: Eggs?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 12:15 pm
by Moxi
At the moment we are Rat free, nothing missing from the food cans and nothing showing on the infrared trail cam, the last rat I shot was late November early December.

Last year was an average year with around thirty rats shot.

.22 used at distance and the .177 which is a take down carbine and also a pneumatic with variable power output is used for close work under the coup and around the shelters and storage areas.

All have 3-9 x40 or x50 telescopic sights to make the shot as humane as possible.

That said I just had scrambled egg on toast for lunch made with this mornings eggs and its all worth it, now if I could just find that goose that lays goldens eggs I will have made it!


Re: Eggs?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 12:54 pm
by Mr Gus
£5 per big tray (2.5 dozen) our way bought some the other day, from source at the local kennels & livestock / pet supply store.
When we were on the farm ourselves we used a victorian cast iron wheels raised hen house (mainly)

it was out in the field open space & wired in, never saw a rat as I guess it was too exposed for their liking with nowhere to hide but the wheels which being metal & spoked max visibility.

Chicken farming (any bird) is something the govt seems (no surprise to be avoiding dealing with) It may not make sense but I'm curious as to what a properly designed semi outdoor bubble on a big scale could do & how much energy to run, avian flu has screwed poultry of a better life be it ridiculously short for meat or as a layer.

Surely this is also where govt experimentation with bi-facial solar design could again be beneficial if design was taken seriously for welfare & food supply on a commercial scale & also "garden / smallholder" design

Eggs are fantastic proteins, people eat too much of the meat & not enough appreciation of the egg imho.

I cooked off a garlic chicken yesterday (3/4 for the dogs) with a bit to shred for heavy on the salad chicken wraps / stir fry ..the carcass gets gleaned to hell, except where carcass stock is concerned. ..but I'm keener to enjoy the eggs than the meat.

(Last night sliced & oiled zyliss mandolin potato's in the air fryer, fresh fried eggs (chili seasoned cornish sea salt) ..lip smacking

Re-assess your salt, not your salt intake ;) ..flavour-town