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Out of the blue, almost!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 1:57 pm
by spread-tee
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned the need for a reappraisal of our lives in the Solis alarm thread, and I thank you for your suggestions, I will try to follow them up. The need for the life change comes about because I have been diagnosed with Prostate cancer with some indications it is in my bones and maybe skin. I am still undergoing tests to find out what is really going on, but I am clued up enough to know this is not ideal.

The reason I say out of the blue is that the only symptoms I noticed are a slight increased frequency of peeing and a small sore patch on my right foot which as far as I know is a recurrence of a thing I had a few years ago, which healed completely after a few weeks. The peeing was noticed about a year ago for a few weeks and then it seemed to return to almost normal for a geezer my age 66. Then about 3 months ago I noticed a marked increase in peeing and one night despite the need it was a struggle to start.

That prompted me to call my doc who ordered a blood test to assure me all was well, after explaining that most old duffers my age have trouble in the sprinkler department, the very next day he called me to say that my PSA was very high 195 as opposed to a normal level of 5 and I was being put on “the two week rule” to get rapid diagnoses, three weeks later here I am already started on Hormone therapy with a whole shed load of stuff to come! Despite all its issues the NHS has be bloody magnificent.

Sorry for the ramble but I guess all I would say, as I am sure you know, any doubts get it checked out, even if like me you feel fine, four weeks ago I was digging out by hand a full foundation with no clue this shit was about to hit.


Re: Out of the blue, almost!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 2:03 pm
by Mart
You take care mate, and thanks for sharing. :praise:

Re: Out of the blue, almost!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 2:23 pm
by Colin Deng
health is the most important thing!
I realized this when my dad was sick last year, and recently I have been under a lot of pressure in both my life and work. I also need to find a suitable way to relieve my stress. I hope everything will be better.

Re: Out of the blue, almost!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 3:15 pm
by nowty
Sorry to here the news.

I had a scare a few years back, after finding blood in a certain body fluid. :?

The GP did a PSA test which was OK but also sent me to the hospital for a digital prostate check and its got nothing to do with a computerised device. :shock:
Everything was fine, but it made me more aware, second most common cancer, roughly 1 in 7 men get it and the NHS don't do routine screening.

I have been getting my PSA checked by a PSA charity every year who visit the area. I know having a PSA test is not the most absolute indicator but its better if you have regular ones from the age of 50 so you know your baseline number and how it changes year on year. ... ading-Zero


Re: Out of the blue, almost!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 3:48 pm
by Fintray
Sorry to hear the news Desp, you have done the right thing and went and got checked and are now getting treatment to help you recover.
I too have nothing but praise for the NHS after the fantastic service I received from them last year.

Stay positive. :xl:

Re: Out of the blue, almost!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 5:25 pm
by AGT
Take care Desp

Re: Out of the blue, almost!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 5:53 pm
by Moxi
Sorry to hear your news Desp, stay positive and take care, the NHS will sort you out, they’re all brilliant professionals so you’re in good hands. :xl:


Re: Out of the blue, almost!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 6:24 pm
by NoraBatty
Sorry to hear your news, and fingers crossed for you.

I am shocked to know prostate screening is not a routine thing for you guys though.

Re: Out of the blue, almost!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 6:28 pm
by Joeboy
Just read this, sorry to hear it desp. Stay strong, a glass of Red maybe?

Re: Out of the blue, almost!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 6:39 pm
by Bugtownboy
Desp, sorry to hear.

I was diagnosed 16 years ago - I’m now the same age as you.

Treatment and management is now so much better than a few decades ago.

Unfortunately, current screening strategy is not adequate - the most important is probably awareness, family history and ethnicity.

Things will improve with improved Blood/Urine testing and then MRI as a first line diagnostic rather than invasive (and uncomfortable) tests.

There is a Prostate Cancer Risk tool ( , so it’s probably worth any of the male members :shock: having a look.

Desp, if you want to PM me, feel free. I can offer aspects of my experience, but, as everyone is different, may be different to your situation.