Jean Pain Pile


Re: Jean Pain Pile


Post by billi »

Moxi wrote: Tue Jun 28, 2022 4:09 pm Wasn't one of the contributors to the old place getting his hot water from compost piles ? I seem to recall some photos of black HDPE pipe work and I think it was even used as their Avatar ??

Not that i am aware off , but ther was a member called" Dahslam (?) ", who installed an earth pile to heat up with solar power to use as an long-therm storage idea for a solar thermal install combined with a heat pump , i think his insulation method for that idea was the use of strawbales

Lots of discussions and interesting posts at the time , i actually bought the book ordered on Jean Pain s website , and planted about 3 acres of energy Forrest cause of the idea of heating with a compost pile or woodchips , we forgot about it and let the area just grow , 15 years later that project is now a forrest , hope other trees arrived by now as i planted mainly willows @ 45 cent a plant 1m tall, that i cut in 3 and just stuck the cuttings in the ground

At the time it seemed a heating/fuel/storage idea to me , but feels like a huge effort and it might be true that biomass is neutal when it comes to climite aspects but , i doubt that this is handled "political-correct"
But fair play to Mr Pain , to basically just use the undergrowth of forests that will regrow faster than chopping down a 100 year old beech tree for a chimney fire and argue i replant that with a 45 cent sapling plant as a co2 neutral false argument .

I am at the moment with Grenpeace energy as the electricity supplier and they also argue not to use biogas from agricultural monocultures like corn .

I supose most plants that keep our envirionment healthy need the elements of sun , water , wind etc , and therefore my believe that this is the only way or path we can follow to do the same

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Joined: Sun Oct 31, 2021 3:46 pm

Re: Jean Pain Pile


Post by Moxi »

Actually Billi you are quite right it was a thermal capture and store, ;)

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