Hi Andy,
We have a 430L open vented thermal store which has a coil split into 2 sections to provide DHW. There are 2 TMV (thermostatic mixer valves) one at the top to mix the hot water from the top of the TS with water from the lower TMV. The lower TMV takes water from the middle of the coil (approx middle of the TS) and mixes that with cold water (if the middle is hot rather than warm). The idea is that this preserves the hot water at the top of the TS for as long as possible and limits the likelyhood of a TS full of lukewarm water. The TS also has connectiond for solar thermal (not implemented) and a WBS (also not implemented yet) as well as 3 immersion heaters. The top imersion heater only heats the portion of the thermal store that is used for DHW. his immersion is connected to an Eddi (PV diverter), during winter we end to have the Eddi set to heat the DHW portion on a timer using E7, during summer the Eddi usually provides enough DHW. Because we are using a coil in the TS to provide DHW the DHW is mains pressure but we avoid the annual inspection of an UVC.
I have experimented with various seting on the ASHP, initially it was setup by the installers in hot water only mode and provided a store full of water at about 55C. Whilst this easily provided enough heat for both heating and DHW the COP was not surprisingly attrocious (<2). The ASHP is currently set to provide water at 40C, but is only triggered when the bottom of the TS gets down to 25C using an external thermostat, this achieves a much better COP (around 3) but I want to try reducing that this winter to see if I can get any improvement in the COP. I have recenty wired the ASHP to the EDDI so that it should be triggered when there is sufficient excess PV rather than relying on the immersion only. This is not yet active as I need to check some details with Mitsubishi. I also want to see if I can run the ASHP at the lower temperature but at the higher temperature baased on a timer so as to aovoid the immersion being on a timer.
I have the room stats for the UFH set to a higher value during the E7 period and then fall back to the desired value when the E7 period finishes, this usually means that the TS is heated during the E7 period and needs little additional input from the ASHP unless it is very cold out. The TS was designed to allow the ASHP to directly heat it, however during installation it was spotted that the ASHP needs a higher pressure that we could provide with an open vented system so a FPHE was installed with an additional pump. When the ASHP comes on the additional pump circulates the water in the TS through the FPHE, whilst the normal pump with the ASHP circulates the glycol solution through the FPHE. This does have the disadvantage that some efficiency is lost due to the FPHE and the ASHP temperature needs to be higher that it would if directly connected. When the ASHP was providing 60C output the supply to the TS after the FPHE was about 55C - not sure if this increased at the whole TS heated up though. I cannot see why the TS would need to be at 70-80C to provide 48C DHW but my experience is based on a coil not FPHE for the DHW.
When we had the ASHP providing the water at 55/60C we had no problems with the temperature of the DHW - but all bathroom taps have TMVs and are limited to about 42C. During summer/ early autumn & late spring the Eddi easily manages to provide enough DHW unless everyone has a bath on a dull day. I cannot remember how much of the TS is reserved for DHW.
If doing things again I would consider fitting an inline water electric heater on the DHW supply from the TS just to top up the DHW temperature on demand if the TS supply was not hot enough rather than using an immersion heater on a timer. I have not looked into the how this would work out in practice - that is something that would be very installation dependant (no of people in the house, showers vs baths etc.) but might be appropriate for yourself.
Be careful with your installers, they will always stick with what they have done before and will be fightened of trying anything new especially if they think they will be blamed if things do not perform as well as expected. I had a similar experience to you in that several installers wanted to put i a separate UVC for DHW. I used
http://www.tmsthermalstore.com/ in the end and the TS was bespoke made by Newark. The plumber that did a lot of the work had never installed a TS before but followed the design and could see what should be the consequences. The two lower imersions were intially used to provide space heating with the ASHP being added in later (one winter using immersions why still be renovated, and one and most of a second when we moved in).