Am I being unreasonable to feel a bit annoyed? (a long tale)

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Re: Am I being unreasonable to feel a bit annoyed? (a long tale)


Post by Countrypaul »

Is there anyway you (or a neighbour) can contact the water company enquiring about how to make an insurance claim for damage cuased by a vehicle losing control on the ice caused by the WC not fixng the leak for many years? The accident has not happened yet, but one car came extremely close, so you want to know for next time when the driver (and nearby edestrians0 is unlikely to be so lucky.

Try contacting the olice asking them to close the road due to the water company's pipe leak causing a sheet of ice on the road?

As said earlier makig a nuisance of yourself by getting others involved will all ut pressure on the water company.

If someone does unfortunately then have an accident - they will have a very hard time defending themselves.
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Re: Am I being unreasonable to feel a bit annoyed? (a long tale)


Post by Bugtownboy »

As I stated earlier, OGB’s best chance was his personal injury - even if it was only his pride that was damaged.

Surely WW have some form of vicarious responsibility/liability for their infrastructure ?

Anything to make a point and get them engaged.
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Re: Am I being unreasonable to feel a bit annoyed? (a long tale)


Post by Oldgreybeard »

Countrypaul wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 5:39 pm Is there anyway you (or a neighbour) can contact the water company enquiring about how to make an insurance claim for damage cuased by a vehicle losing control on the ice caused by the WC not fixng the leak for many years? The accident has not happened yet, but one car came extremely close, so you want to know for next time when the driver (and nearby edestrians0 is unlikely to be so lucky.

Try contacting the olice asking them to close the road due to the water company's pipe leak causing a sheet of ice on the road?

As said earlier makig a nuisance of yourself by getting others involved will all ut pressure on the water company.

If someone does unfortunately then have an accident - they will have a very hard time defending themselves.

I'm part way through drafting pretty much this. I've pulled out all the emails and letters I have going back to 2011 about the water supply in the area, together with an email from Wessex Water in 2013 confirming that their pipe was leaking and was the likely cause of water flooding our trenches. I had also got some emails sent to them by others reporting the same leaks over the years.

I'm just finding the right form of words to make it clear to them that we have suffered damage from their lack of action in repairing/replacing this pipe, but need to wait until tomorrow to get confirmation of the proof that the water that is now seeping up from the hissing area is mains water. The ground water around here has a lot of iron in it, typically around 400ppm, so is not drinkable without treatment. I have some iron water test strips I use to check that our iron filter is still working OK, and using those on a sample of the water coming out of the ground shows no iron at all. That from the stream alongside shows 200ppm to 400ppm when tested.

I have a friend who's a hydrogeologist (he put together the survey for our well for me) and he's agreed to do a proper assay on the water if I drop a 250ml sample over to him tomorrow. I'm pretty sure that will prove that it's mains water, and that would come close to proving that the soil erosion around our old fence, as well as the water that washed away part of our drive foundation, is mains water.

I'm hoping that this will be enough to get Wessex Water to take this seriously, instead of just ignoring it as they've done for years. I might see if there is a way to try and recover the costs for the remedial work we've had done via something like the small claims track in the county court, maybe that might focus their attention a bit.
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Re: Am I being unreasonable to feel a bit annoyed? (a long tale)


Post by Mr Gus »

Be blunt, tell them you are going to utilise 😉 because its likely the only way someone will take control of a situation, bearing in mind the litany of paperwork dating back 11 years.
& cc your mp, & pasrish councillors, useless or otherwise.

They had a decade worth of chances to repair, injury has happened, claim for that & repair, on your age as a lingering injury which may reduce your movement & enjoyment of the property & lifestyle...
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Re: Am I being unreasonable to feel a bit annoyed? (a long tale)


Post by Oldgreybeard »

Guess what?

Had an email from Wessex Water this morning, saying this (only the personal bits edited out below):
Ref: ************ 

We have now closed your job and may shortly be asking you for feedback on how we did. If you have any questions then please let us know.

You can track the progress of your job here:*******
Great, thought I, so followed the link they gave and got this screenshot:

WW Screenshot.jpg
WW Screenshot.jpg (33.24 KiB) Viewed 2418 times
Being naturally untrustworthy of anything WW now say, I walked up the lane to check. No sign of any work, leaking pipe under the lane by our place now hissing even louder (so much so that dog walkers are stopping to listen to it, and a couple have now knocked on our door to see if we know about it). What's worse, when I got to the top of the lane there is no sign of any repair where that sheet of ice was and water is still flooding down the lane as before.

Seems that, yet again, Wessex Water have just openly lied to me. If they send me the promised feedback request the buggers are going to get it with both barrels from me, for sure.

I need to go and sit down with a nice big glass of red before I burst a blood vessel, rather like their burst pipe . . .
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Re: Am I being unreasonable to feel a bit annoyed? (a long tale)


Post by Mr Gus »

Ring your fudging mp OGB
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Re: Am I being unreasonable to feel a bit annoyed? (a long tale)


Post by Fintray »

Mr Gus wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:19 pm Ring your fudging mp OGB
They're maybe on WW payroll/bung list. :roll:
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Re: Am I being unreasonable to feel a bit annoyed? (a long tale)


Post by Oldgreybeard »

Fintray wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:21 pm
Mr Gus wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:19 pm Ring your fudging mp OGB
They're maybe on WW payroll/bung list. :roll:
Highly likely, I think, without wishing to deflect this debate into politics!
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Re: Am I being unreasonable to feel a bit annoyed? (a long tale)


Post by Fintray »

If you get their "How did we do?" questionnaire you'll just have to tell them that they need to get off their arses and actually do something before you can give them some honest feedback.
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Re: Am I being unreasonable to feel a bit annoyed? (a long tale)


Post by Moxi »

quite possible they repaired a leak on the same main further along - just respond to say the job is not closed as the leak is still evident and be prepared to do this copious times!

Most companies have excellent records for urban environments but once it gets all a bit green and rolling hills they fall over !

On the plus side you have probably gotten someone elses leak sorted for them without them ever knowing about it!

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