Should Ripple team up with e-tranport sellers, such as Halfords / Pure as part of the zero emissions aim / build in neutrality for new e-product?
I used the slider for ripple haphazard guess that a 460 watt hour battery atypical of a regular ebike or a larger battery capacity uk Pure e-scooter (Air pro 2) was around 50 watt hours per mil.. with a maximum load fat bloke on it, or student loaded down with books, shopping etc.
& on that fag packet formula I inputted..
120 kWh @ £71 cost = 600 miles per annum hop on hop off, work leisure to allow for battery voltage recovery at rest time, & seasonal losses due to temperature, these aren't thoroughbred batteries & likely an e-scooter is going to be outside for much of its life, this is fag packet thought aimed at a short distance daily commuter with a distinctly average scoot-commute.
All savings are estimates and will depend on future electricity prices and the level of generation.
If you purchased:
38 Watts, this would generate:
120 kWh of electricity per year
£71 single payment.
You could save:
£13 estimated first-year savings, assuming full generation in 2024*
£189 over the 25 year lifespan of the project
25 kg of CO2 each year (which would be on top of the app declaration of carbon savings using a scooter compared to other forms, .which is not perfect by any means)
My thoughts (as a member here, so not a high frequency macdonalds scoffing member of the public) is that I'd like to be able to counter my energy used by having an element of control over it with a "first steps" e-machine which regardless of lifespan starts me on a renewable energy kickstart, albeit in a small way countering / knocking back footprints by means of positive approach.
My biggest fear though being people thinking this gives them 100% free electricity rather than the breakdown of costs we are aware of as ripple members, however if explained properly (and as an advocate of a "buy a watt" lottery ticket principle, that if tied in with a person they could then buy a few more watts whenever add to their total wherever they go in uk energy bill based life. to be included in the next build project for renewables on a govt assisted build of wind power / renewable energy producing in general.
The idea being a 16 year old going to their first job on an e-scooter, e-bike, e-moped, then maybe transitioning to a BEV is aware that fuelling a vehicle is something that when done at home is saving money compared to the "pump price", reducing emissions & follows them through their billed life, which they can look at an account & top up here & there, hopefully in the same way that a lottery ticket is bought, you buy, register the watt & build it up like a piggy bank, which eventually hopefully makes people generationally want more renewables as part of home life & as the regular day to day "everywhere" supply.
A kind of "put miles in your tank" scheme
Small watts purchase scheme by ripple, could it work?
Small watts purchase scheme by ripple, could it work?
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
Re: Small watts purchase scheme by ripple, could it work?
I can see how you could, buy an e-scooter from halfords and get a free £25 ripple voucher. And £25 is the minimum amount you can invest. It was ripples intention to drive a revolution with high numbers of members starting out with small investments. Then incrementally build on that project to project.
But it is difficult getting young people interested enough to pay up.
I spoke with ripple at length when they were struggling to raise cash for WT1, and they reached out to members for feedback. They had several thousand signed up without buying a voucher, so no skin in the game. Most were young which ripple were targeting. But when the share offer came out hardly any young people joined.
As you elude to, they were expecting instant free leccy, so when a complicated share offer document came out, you only saved 20%, you had to wait over a year for it to be built and you were locked into one energy company, their interest evaporated.
In the end they initially had a small flood of solar panel nuts (us lot), followed by a slow trickle of middle aged to elderly folk buying in, mainly via word of mouth. Ironically many like my father who is not interested in green stuff, wanted to put £20k+ in because I told him the return was about 6%. He's a low user (for leccy), so when I told him he officially could only put in about £1.5k, he replied, "What's the point of that ?".
So thats their business model difficulty, younger small investors don't think its worth it and older larger investors are constrained.
But it is difficult getting young people interested enough to pay up.
I spoke with ripple at length when they were struggling to raise cash for WT1, and they reached out to members for feedback. They had several thousand signed up without buying a voucher, so no skin in the game. Most were young which ripple were targeting. But when the share offer came out hardly any young people joined.
As you elude to, they were expecting instant free leccy, so when a complicated share offer document came out, you only saved 20%, you had to wait over a year for it to be built and you were locked into one energy company, their interest evaporated.
In the end they initially had a small flood of solar panel nuts (us lot), followed by a slow trickle of middle aged to elderly folk buying in, mainly via word of mouth. Ironically many like my father who is not interested in green stuff, wanted to put £20k+ in because I told him the return was about 6%. He's a low user (for leccy), so when I told him he officially could only put in about £1.5k, he replied, "What's the point of that ?".
So thats their business model difficulty, younger small investors don't think its worth it and older larger investors are constrained.
18.7kW PV > 110MWh generated
Ripple 6.6kW Wind + 4.5kW PV > 32MWh generated
7 Other RE Coop's
105kWh EV storage
60kWh Home battery storage
40kWh Thermal storage
Rain water use > 520 m3
Ripple 6.6kW Wind + 4.5kW PV > 32MWh generated
7 Other RE Coop's
105kWh EV storage
60kWh Home battery storage
40kWh Thermal storage
Rain water use > 520 m3
Re: Small watts purchase scheme by ripple, could it work?
Thanks for the input Nowty.
This is why I think the "lottery ticket" principle is useful to piggyback purchases with an understanding beyond "free energy" ..if the principle WT farm is a lottery & uk govt collaboration that means the delay is not there to begin with, & hopefully get a scheme funded & filled by micro generation as part of its long term goal.
They are teaching banking in schools nowadays as a govt directive, not too far out of the mix to encourage understanding & investment that relates to every time you plug in your BEV or E-mobility transport as we funnel towards alt transport?
My E-scooter was £500 odd quid (before cashback) so down to about £454, and as a bigger battery pack unit would have been the ideal time to do the math as to watts per mile, battery capacity & cost to "fill" ..which then promotes better understanding of BEV (cars motorbikes etc) ..transitioning away from MPG, litre maths at the pump etc)
The "utility company is atypically not your friend" approach needs adopting as part of a shake up, & selling onward through the generations.
If i'd of had an option to spend the money I'd saved on a shceme that means if I was a teen paying a bit at home for "keep" likely getting gip for lights left on, energy used etc then this would be an option for a family to sit & discuss the whole shebang of "not a motorbike" but a new form of transport, conduct, precautions & how this opportunity to pay something upfront on a much hyped, much debated "green" tech helps the family & the user plus the environment, topping up by chipping into the energy infrastructure needed long term & the ability to carry it forward to reduce "motoring costs" latterly.
Half of it is in the presentation, we "generally" understand the infrastructure costs of the daily standing charge, ..half of it is in the fear of ever escalating prices that are market driven & kicking various elements in the balls, ..we will never likely go back to nationalisation but co-op ownership on a grand scale is another matter, given the opportunity.
This is why I think the "lottery ticket" principle is useful to piggyback purchases with an understanding beyond "free energy" ..if the principle WT farm is a lottery & uk govt collaboration that means the delay is not there to begin with, & hopefully get a scheme funded & filled by micro generation as part of its long term goal.
They are teaching banking in schools nowadays as a govt directive, not too far out of the mix to encourage understanding & investment that relates to every time you plug in your BEV or E-mobility transport as we funnel towards alt transport?
My E-scooter was £500 odd quid (before cashback) so down to about £454, and as a bigger battery pack unit would have been the ideal time to do the math as to watts per mile, battery capacity & cost to "fill" ..which then promotes better understanding of BEV (cars motorbikes etc) ..transitioning away from MPG, litre maths at the pump etc)
The "utility company is atypically not your friend" approach needs adopting as part of a shake up, & selling onward through the generations.
If i'd of had an option to spend the money I'd saved on a shceme that means if I was a teen paying a bit at home for "keep" likely getting gip for lights left on, energy used etc then this would be an option for a family to sit & discuss the whole shebang of "not a motorbike" but a new form of transport, conduct, precautions & how this opportunity to pay something upfront on a much hyped, much debated "green" tech helps the family & the user plus the environment, topping up by chipping into the energy infrastructure needed long term & the ability to carry it forward to reduce "motoring costs" latterly.
Half of it is in the presentation, we "generally" understand the infrastructure costs of the daily standing charge, ..half of it is in the fear of ever escalating prices that are market driven & kicking various elements in the balls, ..we will never likely go back to nationalisation but co-op ownership on a grand scale is another matter, given the opportunity.
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
Re: Small watts purchase scheme by ripple, could it work?
I like that, say pay £10 and one in every 100 get a £1000 investment in a turbine.Mr Gus wrote: ↑Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:45 am This is why I think the "lottery ticket" principle is useful to piggyback purchases with an understanding beyond "free energy" ..if the principle WT farm is a lottery & uk govt collaboration that means the delay is not there to begin with, & hopefully get a scheme funded & filled by micro generation as part of its long term goal.
Or even only £1 and one in a thousand, etc.
Problem is in practise, regulations will probably not allow it or make it too difficult. In a similar way to them not going the investment route because of more onerous regulation.
18.7kW PV > 110MWh generated
Ripple 6.6kW Wind + 4.5kW PV > 32MWh generated
7 Other RE Coop's
105kWh EV storage
60kWh Home battery storage
40kWh Thermal storage
Rain water use > 520 m3
Ripple 6.6kW Wind + 4.5kW PV > 32MWh generated
7 Other RE Coop's
105kWh EV storage
60kWh Home battery storage
40kWh Thermal storage
Rain water use > 520 m3
Re: Small watts purchase scheme by ripple, could it work?
I'm thinking buy a watt, get a lottery ticket, (covering a watt, & an entry with the usual prize money options offered by the national lottery so it works two-fold there, yes, tiers of additional watts as prize money, perhaps installs of new tech (where the property is capable) or cash & watts alternatives, which is what I was putting out there ages back in other threads.
We have a "health lottery" run under license, we have camelot, who have lost the license to a czech billionaire (that I find questionable as to how money will be hidden, going against the grain of the whole benevolence, cash raising ideal in my books, yet to play out but, ..."just waiting"
As this would be a new lottery proposal, I think a new licensee for this operating with ripple & the likes of Octopus to steer it.
A ripple watt as a lottery ticket you get over the counter still assists the small shop trade model as it currently exists, an account you set up within 28 days to log your watt in the same manner as the current barcode checking system keeps it simple & on track whilst promoting the daylights out of "good causes, future stability, community minded, eco-awareness & whatever else you chose to market with, ..& the cash still up for grabs keeps it on an already steady proven format.
If anyone is lost reading this, then it is no different to "a degree of skill / chance to win" by definition of current requirements for a lot of licensed gambling, terms of prize options look at recent US competition corporate entities selling lottery tickets for country houses etc ... (Omaze, uk website) merely a different tack.
You try to tie up the ends by a different nigh on instantaneous funding via something like the lottery because it is a big week in week out money spinner, & this is what makes the difference in the way a scheme rolls, & when it starts to produce (instantly) because it's waiting to go from the putset by diverting money from the lottery & can feed straight back in a longer term support if "keeping the lights on" is marketed properly tp those charidee's that fund places currently by tranche funding (camelot grant applications & the like, but would moan we are going under without funding & our bills are skyhigh ...watts could be bought as donations for groups too, again long term donations that work generationally, excess can be thought about later as a revenue stream, ..your time at cubs (for instance) doesn't end when you leave cubs the watt investment carries on in turbine form for potentially decades.
When a fen market town near us was bumped for a one off funding (for being left behind) masses of that money was burnt up by the camelot mates installed office on the payroll, I cannot tell you of any long term infrastructure from that £13 million (I think it was) ..what a bloody waste.
Power from ripple purchases can be appointed to someone else, I do not mean enable a tradeable asset to be bought & sold, one with strictly local use if bought & gifted, no corporate grabbing allowed.
However, we ought to allow local councils, parish & town to buy in too, as well as exploit the "good causes" monies that go with a wind farm, as mentioned before, if it raises so much money then a bunch of councils ought actually own a turbine as part of a windfarm & generate more cash to fund energy elements of the bills we are forced to pay.
We have a "health lottery" run under license, we have camelot, who have lost the license to a czech billionaire (that I find questionable as to how money will be hidden, going against the grain of the whole benevolence, cash raising ideal in my books, yet to play out but, ..."just waiting"
As this would be a new lottery proposal, I think a new licensee for this operating with ripple & the likes of Octopus to steer it.
A ripple watt as a lottery ticket you get over the counter still assists the small shop trade model as it currently exists, an account you set up within 28 days to log your watt in the same manner as the current barcode checking system keeps it simple & on track whilst promoting the daylights out of "good causes, future stability, community minded, eco-awareness & whatever else you chose to market with, ..& the cash still up for grabs keeps it on an already steady proven format.
If anyone is lost reading this, then it is no different to "a degree of skill / chance to win" by definition of current requirements for a lot of licensed gambling, terms of prize options look at recent US competition corporate entities selling lottery tickets for country houses etc ... (Omaze, uk website) merely a different tack.
You try to tie up the ends by a different nigh on instantaneous funding via something like the lottery because it is a big week in week out money spinner, & this is what makes the difference in the way a scheme rolls, & when it starts to produce (instantly) because it's waiting to go from the putset by diverting money from the lottery & can feed straight back in a longer term support if "keeping the lights on" is marketed properly tp those charidee's that fund places currently by tranche funding (camelot grant applications & the like, but would moan we are going under without funding & our bills are skyhigh ...watts could be bought as donations for groups too, again long term donations that work generationally, excess can be thought about later as a revenue stream, ..your time at cubs (for instance) doesn't end when you leave cubs the watt investment carries on in turbine form for potentially decades.
When a fen market town near us was bumped for a one off funding (for being left behind) masses of that money was burnt up by the camelot mates installed office on the payroll, I cannot tell you of any long term infrastructure from that £13 million (I think it was) ..what a bloody waste.
Power from ripple purchases can be appointed to someone else, I do not mean enable a tradeable asset to be bought & sold, one with strictly local use if bought & gifted, no corporate grabbing allowed.
However, we ought to allow local councils, parish & town to buy in too, as well as exploit the "good causes" monies that go with a wind farm, as mentioned before, if it raises so much money then a bunch of councils ought actually own a turbine as part of a windfarm & generate more cash to fund energy elements of the bills we are forced to pay.
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
Re: Small watts purchase scheme by ripple, could it work?
How many of the target audience will have their own electricity bill?
It is a condition of the Ripple offer that applications can only be made by people who have an electricity bill in their own name.
It is a condition of the Ripple offer that applications can only be made by people who have an electricity bill in their own name.
Re: Small watts purchase scheme by ripple, could it work?
These are elements that would need to be fleshed out, these are current requirements, not necessarily those of the futures.
You'd register to the address of the e-scooter buyer, with a bill, you'd retain ownership of the remaining years yet to go on the turbine share, moving it across like a phone contract swap over, appointing the discount accrued to whoever paid the bill at the property you currently resided at for the duration
You'd register to the address of the e-scooter buyer, with a bill, you'd retain ownership of the remaining years yet to go on the turbine share, moving it across like a phone contract swap over, appointing the discount accrued to whoever paid the bill at the property you currently resided at for the duration
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more