'Fuelling the future' (the uk govt transport committee)

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Mr Gus
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'Fuelling the future' (the uk govt transport committee)


Post by Mr Gus »

Transport Committee
@TransportCttee (twitter)

MP for Milton Keynes South & Transport Select Committee Chair.
Iain Stewart MP

Is worth keeping tabs on due to him being around a lot of transport meetings re tech that is just out of reach currently..

And having watched a few parliment videos, he's quite quirky given the environment he works within as Chair of the Transport Select Committee.

Blurb from his tory page..
Iain is passionate about transport, specifically the Railway Industry, and is taking a keen interest in the development of the East-West Rail link, high speed rail, electric vehicle technology and driverless automation.

https://committees.parliament.uk/commit ... committee/

Quite a bit going on "meetings wise" at the moment, so buckle up for some video streams that may be relevant to a lot of us one way or another.
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
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Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
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